
Midnight Delight
Midnight Delight
Why do you hate Garp and Tashigi?
@Den_Den_Mushi I agree on Tashigi. Misogynistic and pseudo-"bAdAsS FeMaLe" -character.

And Meme... well, she's a meme.
@Blackbeard Oden is #5 but idk maybe I might move him up or switch him with Tashigi. I’ve hated Tashigi for so long though, I kinda feel like I have to keep her in my top 4 hated characters. I legit hated her since I first watched 4kids 10+ years ago.

Who do you hate btw?
I hate Tashigi because she’s a faux feminist who cries sexism on repeat but fails to acknowledge that she actually is very weak and being talked down to by someone stronger isn’t sexism. It’s just how things work. Kaido talks down to Luffy, Mihawk talks down to... everyone. Has nothing to do with gender.
@Midnight Delight Garp is legitimate subhuman trash who let pregnant women and children be slaughtered for a cause he knew was wrong. He knew where Roger’s child was and that Sengoku was mass murdering innocents for nothing. He abused the boys and did nothing to understand them, then complains when they want nothing to do with the marines. He is bottom of the barrel scum.
@Den_Den_Mushi I don't have a specific top 5 list, but if i had one, Oden will hands down get all 5 spots. I mean Meme had a time where she had potential, but Oden debuted and died as a shitstain.
Oden is easily #5 for me, but at least he is Oda's attempt at creating a character. Yamato is... something else. Not a character, but an abomination, a Frankenstein's Monster of manga that should never have been created in the first place. Also Oden is dead and died an agonising death. That redeems him very slightly in my eyes xD
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
I love Yamato already, but the introduction and execution of her character have been an utter mess. Making her do the Oden cosplay was literally the worst way that the author could have haphazardly shoehorned her into the action, it might have been slightly more tolerable if he’d eased us into her shtick.