
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
I am willing to give the Lolko the benefit of the doubt in spite of their horrific feats, I’ve said that before and I maintain it now. I’m tired of these Yonko wanking idiots not understanding the simplest of shit. The Yonko can’t even mid diff Katakuri let alone Fujitora.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
1. Kaido
2. Big Job
3. Sakazuki
4/5/6 Kizaru Aokiji Mihawk
7. Teach
8/9 Shanks Dragon
10/11 Fuji and GB.
God Buggy
God Buggy
Alright. I'll give you mine at this point :

1)Dragon 2)Akainu 3)Mihawk/Shanks 4)Aokiji (assuming his strenght is the same of pre TS), 5)BB/Kaido 6)Kizaru 7)Big Mom 8)Greenbull/Fuji

Not much love for Dragon? Lol
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
I actually love Dragon very much lol. I just don’t really know what to think of his strength for now. Putting him on par with Shanks is fair I think.
God Buggy
God Buggy
I can't see him below people like Meme, no matter how much I try lol
Sasaki Kojirō
Does KATAKURI have any chance of beating KAIDO?
Sasaki Kojirō
It does not have ADCOC or even ACOA to cause any superficial damage.
BASE KAIDO with BAGUA was hitting Luffy with active FS.
BAGUA kaido hybrid + ADCOC in large quantities seems much more exaggerated than BASE KAIDO 8 divine diagrams, Kaido only needed 1 BG to defeat Luffy after WCI, how many katakuri strokes did he need?
Sasaki Kojirō
Since the katakuri can do 0 damage to KAIDO, kaido defeats the katakuri without moving, the katakuri will spend a few hours punching KAIDO and then fall from exhaustion. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Kaido vs Katakuri would look like Zombie Man vs Pureblood. Katakuri would disgrace, embarrass, humiliate, and all around dunk on Kaido for several days straight before he runs out of stamina and Kaido KO’s him by virtue of just being a big dumb zombie.
Sasaki Kojirō
Kaido can defeat a YC1 without even moving, my god this guy is abnormal.