
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
There’s never been any evidence for Ben leaving the ship at all. Kizaru simply was not afraid of a Shanks level fighter.
God Buggy
God Buggy
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung I think it's fair to say that he acknowledged the danger/threat of Benn. With the informations we have, it's possible that he is close to Shanks, power wise. Still, we have seen what Kizaru did later anyway. When you realize that the only little scratch he has received in the entire manga it's due to him ignoring the dark king to go after Zoro...lol
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Sure, he acknowledged Ben as a threat, but fanboys blow that scene way out of proportion. Kizaru was intimidated by Beckmann, but that doesn’t mean that Shanks or Beckmann are stronger than Kizaru. Lol
God Buggy
God Buggy
Yeah I meant that he obviously recognizes that Benn is no small fry. When it comes to it, he hasn't had a single problem in accepting any challenge, from WB to the Kaido/BM situation etc. He has plenty of confidence in his abilities.