
Blother Fertitta
Blother Fertitta
Shimotsuki are Ds. There is absolutely no coincidence that Zoro’s lineage and original backstory has been withheld from us for 1000 chapters. The Kuina stuff is about as much as the ASL stuff.
Blother Fertitta
Blother Fertitta
Oda hasn’t provided us Zoro’s original roots because the ties to End Game are so large. Given Wano is his arc, and I will die on this hill, he will be fleshed out Post Onigashima and or Act 5, with an extremely important FB/infor dump.
Gorosei Informer
I would actually have loved Zoro and Sanji to both be Ds tbh. Sanji given his ties to the WG through the Vinsmokes and just being a SH would be so fitting as D imo. Also Luffy having a few Ds on his crew, I'm almost a 100% certain Usopp is one too at least.

I was hoping Kid to be one too and also Kaido. Xebec definitely must have some Ds on his crew too surely? I was kinda hoping Rayleigh and Scopper to be Ds too
Gorosei Informer
but this is probably overkill now lmao.

I saw an interesting suggestion that the Kozukis are connected to the Ds directly somehow. Either the original Ds or something, Oden had massive D energy (pause) but seriously, Oden completely felt like a D to me. Hell I wanted Whitebeard to be one too.

Zoro being one would be brilliant though. Shimotsuki D Zoro would be legit hype. I'm willing to die on that hill too man 👍.
Blother Fertitta
Blother Fertitta
@Lone Laguna Espada Idk about Sanji, his name doesn’t really shake the world into turmoil. But I expect Eustass Kid, Usopp, and Zoro to be D’s. Doffy speech says where are they hiding. And Law was revealed in a random way, just as I expect those three to be as well