
Jack taking attacks from two Admirals is speculation. Jack was believed to have died. For all we know, Issho oneshot him and he only survived because of Ancient Zoan recovery.
You can't wank Jack based on speculation.
Base Yamato oneshot a Tobi Roppo, and right now nothing suggests that Jack is capable of such a feat.
Blother Fertitta
Blother Fertitta
Yamato above Jack puts heavy burdens on plots and strawhat crew dynamic. I’m not opposed to it since I expect her to clear the Jack Lvl post Wano
Blother Fertitta
Blother Fertitta
If this is truly the case, hwvr, then it destroys the M3 dynamic, since I don’t see Sanji hitting YC2 post wano
Blother Fertitta
Blother Fertitta
I’ve come to terms with it. It was in Fishman Island most recently, up to the fandom to consider it still relevant or not. If Oda has Sanji fight Queen and Zoro fight King, while Luffy fights Kaido, I think that’s sending a solid message regarding it
Like unless Yamato's main opponent is Jack, there's no reason for Yamato to be Jack level.

* Her feats in Base are **much** better than Jack's (in Base and Zoan) so far.
* Her arc opponent is Kaido (someone much stronger than Jack).
Blother Fertitta
Blother Fertitta
That’s something you think. No one else from what I’ve seen agrees with that sentiment. For the most part everyone thinks she’s strong. We just don’t care where she fits. Unless you think you are objectively correct
@Ten Yaksha Blother: a very heavily injured Zoro giving King the Hatchan treatment suggests that a healthy Zoro will low diff King (and by extension, fodderise Queen).
Blother Fertitta
Blother Fertitta
I agree with that, BUT casual fanbase only sees Zoro vs King Sanji vs Quen and Luffy vs Kaido. No one reads betw the lines as much as Worstgen
Which of my statements do you disagree with:
1. Jack has no feats comparable to oneshotting a Tobi Roppo (nor the portrayal to suggest that he can do this).
2. Yamato's arc opponent is Kaido.
3. Kaido is much stronger than Jack.
Blother Fertitta
Blother Fertitta
With 2 I agree with that, but I also think she’s finishing Jack with Inu
@Ten Yaksha Blother: the casual fanbase didn't think Zoro will fight Kaido, so they were wrong.

I also think Zoro's main opponent this arc is Kaido not King.
As for #1, what has Jack done to make you think he can oneshot a full Zoan Tobi Roppo?

Jack hasn't defeated anyone stronger than some Mink warriors.
Blother Fertitta
Blother Fertitta
Mink Warriors are > Flying 6
> With 2 I agree with that, but I also think she’s finishing Jack with Inu

I think you're wrong here. Yamato might face Jack on her way to Kaido, but it wouldn't be in a tag team with Inu. I'm also sceptical that Yamato vs Jack will be a protracted fight.
Blother Fertitta
Blother Fertitta
Jack simply existing is a problem, anyone without Ryuo can’t touch him