
Light D Lamperouge
Light D Lamperouge
Ist Ihr Benutzername eine Kira-Yoshikage-Referenz?
Ok, I need a bit of context.
That would be truly underwhelming, I agree with you @Pantheos.
1080p with 60 fps is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM I expect from a potential Switch Pro.
Copy&Paste comments ARE BACK?! LET'S GOOOO!!!
Light D Lamperouge
Light D Lamperouge
Ahh Sentinel. Ich wünschte, ich könnte deine Augen erklären und wie der Klang deiner Stimme mir Schmetterlinge gibt. Wie dein Lächeln mein Herz höher schlagen lässt und wie glücklich ich jedes Mal bin, wenn ich auf deiner Seite bin. Meine Seele ist voller Freude. Ich fühle mich so vollständig. «
Light D Lamperouge Nnnoooooooo!! The wittle baby wost awl his money on da Stock Mawket!! Awl his wittle savings bonds and Woth IRAs are woooorthweeeess!! What is a pwecious, sweet wittle baby to do with his financial wuin??
Information Technology, according to Moore's Law, is supposed to undergo an exponential growth allowing computers to double in processing speed every 18 months. More speed means more transistors and today the number of transistors that fit into a microprocessor stands out in the range of billions, each single transistor being nanosized on the atomic scale.
The Law is slowing down but new architectures such as superconducting circuits are concurrently being manufactured as new models of computation such as Quantum based computers are slowly arising, allowing to process far more data than a classical computer despite not being very useful in some areas such as word processing and graphic rendering but very useful for things like molecular modeling
and logistic optimization and some forms of AI. In particular, Quantum computing technologies that technically use photonic qubits, created by squeezing light using ring resonators allowing photons to enter an interferometer (a sequence of programmable Quantum Gates within which they are entangled) and then be counted by sensors converting their states into streams of data are being used more successfully.
This photonic Quantum technology relies on silicon chips just like classical computers and companies are funding millions in order to build them. It's estimated that in some years Quantum Computers will be large scale commercialized.