
Gyou'un >= Akou = Bananji imo. Being the one who "symbolizes the might of Zhao" should naturally make Gyou'un the strongest non-3 Heavens Zhao General aside from Shibashou (yes i do have him above Gakuhakukou lol). Definitely doesn't mean Bananji is lacking, as i think the Zhao cast during Shukai Plains Battle were a lot more powerful than the ones during Bayou.
Overall, i think Akou is the better commander for being hyped by Riboku as someone who can be a supreme commander if he wasn't a subordinate and for being Ousen's no.1 for god knows how many years which allowed him to effectively imitate some of Ousen's tactics.
I think all 3 are very close in strength, and I agree with "Gyou'un>=Akou=Bananji" for now.

Akou and Bananji were described as being equally matched during their duel, and Gyou'un has really good hype, he's the "Sword of Rinshoujo", and "bore the mantle of Zhao's martial might".

Bananji does have seemingly have a "berserk form" that could change the rankings, but we need to wait and see.