
This may be a hot take, but I don't think Ousen will be that far behind these dudes.

I can also see Mouten getting a strong subordinate that will be close to most of the ppl on the list(basically his Gyou'un/Ranbihaku) (Aizen maybe has potential?).

I don't know if I'm overrating Ouhon tho.

Any thoughts? @RayanOO @Seth @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @Kromage911 @other kingdom bros
Owl Ki
Owl Ki
Nah, you are not overrating Ouhon. In a 1v1, Ouhon is an utter beast.

Rei and Kai will probably end up occupying the Top 2 spot due to Priestess Dance hax. Lol.
I don't think(and hope) Kyourei will get as much feats as Kyoukai tbf. Just a hunch, but I don't think she'll ever display as much martial might.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
1. Moubu
2. Shin
3. Ouki
4. Ouhon
5. Shouheikun

Really Shouheikun could be higher. I detailed in one of my prime Shouheikun threads that he could’ve very well been stronger than every one of the Qin 6 given his massive hype. People did not start saying Moubu = Shouheikun until after Moubu slayed Kanmei
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Ouki to mr seems like King Sho’s strongest warrior, so EOS I might put him slightly above Ouhon but really who knows. Maybe Ouhon will reach #3.
My opinion on Shouheikun is that he's physically stronger than he's ever been, but he hasn't "peaked" yet. I don't think he's had intense fights like Moubu vs Kanmei, Shin vs everyone, Ouhon vs Earl Shi( a SHK flashback could prove me wrong).

Out of the original Qin 6, I'd put him above everyone except for Oukotsu and Ouki.
I can see Ouhon reaching 3 too, especially if he keeps on getting crazy feats and accomplishments(I hope he doesn't get shafted)
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Ouhon will not get shafted lol. If anything Shin will not surpass Ouhon until the very end of Kingdom, and even then they will be neck and neck in strength.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
People underestimate prime Shouheikun, that Ouki vs Shouheikun thread was disgraceful lmfao.
>Ouhon will not get shafted lol. If anything Shin will not surpass Ouhon until the very end of Kingdom, and even then they will be neck and neck in strength.

I hope Shin/Ouhon/Mouten stay neck to neck even EOS. The previous GOATS of past eras weren't that much stronger than their fellow generals(Hakuki and Ouki seem to be pretty close in overall ability, and Renpa and Rinshoujo were portrayed as near equals).
I can see Mouten lagging behind Ouhon/Shin a little bit behind EOS tho, mostly because his best achievements come *spoilers below

after unification

*spoilers above
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Mouten never really wanted to be a Great General but rather a state official, I think if he does lag behind on the battlefield it’ll be because he wants to be more involved in politics.

Shin and Ouhon stat neck and neck until EIS where Shin marginally surpasses him