
Whitebeard had the strongest Paramecia, with it his range, AP, DC, AOE and lethality all jump drastically. The gura confers the single largest boost in attack power of the series.

To say that Non Gura WB could push Gura WB to high/extreme diff makes no sense IMO.
Usopp Haoshoku Haki
Usopp Haoshoku Haki
He demonstrated insane physical strength (top top tierish) several times.Don't see any reason to put Garp above him in physical strength , hence the casual mountain level DC.Deadbeard who was massively weaker than Oldbeard who in turn was notably weaker than Primebeard , still low diffed Teach without the help of his DF.
WB's DF so far hasn't shown anything particularly helpful in a 1 v 1 other than lethality.
WB was never hyped for any of his base combat abilities (contrast Kata whose COO was more noteworthy than his DF prowess) but simply for his DF. His DF was hyped more than any other DF in the manga, his DF is what let BB become a Yonkou. His DF is why he was feared as the man with the power to destroy the world.
No, he has not demonstrated top tier physical strength on any occasion. He strained to stop the Moby Dick, Jozu throwing the iceberg is much greater, Zoro overcoming Issho's gravity is much greater, Garp throwing the canon ball absolutely shits on it.

What's WB's best strength feat?
Hell preskip Luffy threw a rock that was much heavier than the Moby Dick.
Golden Balls in Skypiea were also heavier.
Garp throwing the canon ball is *several* orders of magnitude more impressive than stopping the Moby Dick.

By feats, Garp absolutely shits on WB as far as physical strength is concerned.
You're an engineering student, I shouldn't need to explain to you the sheer order of magnitude difference in power output involved in stopping the Moby Dick vs Garp's canon ball throw.