
Yes, just like monster trio fought the Yonko, right?
Monster trio is over. Luffy and Zoro are getting closer to their respective dreams, and in order to achieve that they have to become stronger. Sanji's dream is to find All blue and to become the best cook, it has nothing to do with power.
Kizaru vs Zoro and Akainu vs Luffy are set in stone. Akainu and Kizaru have always been portrayed as partners, like Zoro and
Luffy. And, Zoro was the first one targeted by Kizaru at sabaody.
nah monster trio is still a thing if you're talking about Luffy, Zoro and Sanji being the top 3(I'm not referring to the strength gaps inbetween them).

I think Borsalino may die off screen to Teach, but Borsalino has been matched up with first mates (Rayleigh and Marco) so who knows.

Also, Greenbull and Issho seem to have similarities with Zoro and Sanji.

congrats on the VIP btw.
I think all the rooftop SNs would fight the admirals, except Killer.

So: Law and Kidd vs Issho and Greenbull?

Yeah that could work.
Luffy is the mc
Luffy is the mc
But why would Kidd fight against the Marines under Luffy's banner? There is room for Sanji to also fight one, in Wano he defeated a character stronger than 90% of the vice admirals if not 100%
That is the only possibility I could see rn. I don't think they would get engaged in fight with BB pirates as it should be SHs vs BB pirates. So, admirals should be their end fights.
So who do you think he would fight with? He is fighting the yonkos with him rn. Lol, I am not saying Sanji would fight vice Admiral. Maybe, other SHs would fight SSG.
Kid and Killer might have another role during EOS.

If Oda say he will draw "The Biggest War in OP", it means we'll get more than one battlefront. SH vs WG has been built since the beggining, they need to be the main crew here. I'm fine with Law due to his ties with Will of D and we also have the Revos that will be here too.

Kid and Killer are much more interested in piracy than other routes.
God D usopp
God D usopp
Yup akainu vs luffy is set in stone zoro vs kizaru also is highly possible, but i still doubt that law and kid gonna duo again vs admiral, so i think dragon and sabo gonna fight the admiral or maybe kuzan if he join the alliance
I have already said that there would be too many stronger characters than Sanji. Kid and law were just two of those.
'I think all the rooftop SNs would fight the admirals, except Killer.'

I think only the SHP and the grand fleet will fight the major Marines just like how they're the ones majorly fighting the Beast Pirates executives. Meanwhile, if Kidd and Law are in the war, they will fight another 3rd party person imo, just like they're fighting BM. I expect the Monster Trio to fight the admirals tbh.
Luffy is the mc
Luffy is the mc
Tbf, people were already saying Sanji won't fight a commander this arc but a Tobbi Roppo, and he did fight a YC. Same thing will happen against the Marines. They just can't accept Sanji is that strong
God D usopp
God D usopp
Personally before pu i only think sanji can fight jack then the pu exoskeleton coming so that would make sense for him to take out queen but u dont compare YC2 to admiral who is a top tier. Sanji is gonna fight another YC2 if sh vs bb happen next arc and u expect him to jump power from fighting YC2 to admiral? Even luffy the mc need multiple power up from fighting YC3 to yonko
Here, we are talking about Marines, not a pirate crew. BB pirates vs SHs would be a pure fight between 2 crews, but there is no way EOS SHs could defeat the marines on their own. In Marineford, barring Akainu, all admirals and Garp were perfectly fine by the end of war. Oda created Kid, Law and all other SNs for a reason. EOS war would be fought between Marines and Pirates, not only SHs.
Kid, Zoro, Luffy, Sabo, Dragon, Mihawk all have all 3 types of haki. Law has an OP Df. Who do you think they would fight with? Kaido and BM are down in this arc, BB pirates are for the SHs, Shanks won't fight with them, revolutionary are up against the WG.
We all know that fleet Admiral and Admirals are at almost same level, so I don't think Oda would give Sanji an admiral.
Luffy is the mc
Luffy is the mc
Sanji will midd diff whoever he is fighting in BB crew, same for Zoro.
As for World Government war, Dragon and Sabo will face CP0, Mihawk isn't siding with straw hats and if he does he'll clear the fodder. Law might fight against one admiral, Kidd ain't coming so there is still one admiral for Sanji. There is IM, the elders, there is plenty of opponents for the final war but the straw hats will be the main players
Mid diff? Smh.
All the fights would be ext diff.
God D usopp
God D usopp
Wait jinbe and franky also mid diff their opponent i wonder did they gonna fight admiral too?
Luffy is the mc
Luffy is the mc
Franky high diffed Sasaki who is far weaker than Queen, Jimbei mid diffed a Tobbi Roppo and is already 50 years old. Sanji is young, he has better growth and potential. What's the issue with Sanji fighting an admiral? Is there a bias here that you guys are hiding?