
Smoker is a fodder. He is just cool. Nothing after it.
Don DaSlayer
Don DaSlayer
Smoker aint worth shit. Luffy’s Garp is Akainu. Calling smoker Luffys Garp. U making it seem like garp is some fodder that cant survive in the new world.
Monkey D. Luffy
Monkey D. Luffy
I thought about Akainu being Garp, but he seems to be the new gen's Sengoku. I'd take him over Coby any day.
Monkey D. Luffy
Monkey D. Luffy
I'm thinking Luffy doesn't really have a "Garp." He most certainly has a Whtebeard (Blackbeard) and his relations with Zoro mirrors Roger's relations with Rayleigh.
U c 4 up da idly
U c 4 up da idly
Luffy doesn't have a Garp and Blackbeard is Luffys Xebec
U c 4 up da idly
U c 4 up da idly
Also smoker will come back when Vegapunk is introduced as he's at Vegapunks lab rn
Monkey D. Luffy
Monkey D. Luffy
No, Big Mom and Kaido are Luffy's "Xebec." And to say Blackbeard isn't the next gen's Whitebeard is like saying One Piece Earth is flat.