
Great General Kanki

Hard to give an order, but i'd go with Riboku, Ouki, Hakuki, Gakuki, Renpa. Ousen is doing a damn good job in making me want to include him though. How about yourself?
God Buggy
God Buggy
In no order : Hakuki, Riboku, Gakuki, Ousen and I'm tempted to say Kouen. I think that, manga wise, Kouen is at least as good as Ouki/Renpa. But I have a feeling he's so strong of a general that he could be even better, much like I think Gakuki is even better than Ouki/Renpa.

Obviously all the names I mentioned in this comment (and other top tier generals as well) are close.
Great General Kanki
Yeah I expect Kouen to be in there as well. I do still hold something for ouki and renpa, as far as comparing them to Ousen at least. All incredible, of course.