
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Why are you so offended when I am literally wanking Mihawk by saying he actually achieved 50% of Ryokugyu’s power?
See now you are just bitter and trolling because Mihawks inferior had Green Bull shitting his pants from one entire INDIA away
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
See now you are just bitter because Mihawk trained his entire life to achieve HALF of an Admiral’s power
Just capture the portrayal gap between real black blade owner and fake black blade owner.

Mihawk calls Shanks one armed has been in front of his entire crew in close range and Shanks CoC is useless

From one sub continent away Shanks nearly kills Green Brocolli
You'd think they'd send "Black Blade" holder green brocolli over marine hunter mihawk rather than putting 4 billion reward over him right??
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Just capture the portrayal gap between real black blade owner and fake black blade owner.

Mihawk begged Vista for postponement while Ryokugyu neg diffed King and Queen and told Shanks he would solo his entire crew

From a life’s worth of training Mihawk achieved 50% of an Admirals’ power
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Mihawk can’t even achieve a 4 billion bounty when even Big Job and Crydo (who one Admiral solos) did.