
I think they both are genetal GH/6GH level or have that potential, SBS moreso considering he might get reserved as Zhao's last defense line. I might rate him slightly higher than Karin considering Zhao seems to be almost on it's last legs with the latest events so he might perform well against Qin with more limited resources compared to Karin who runs a superstate.
Tho by the time Qin conquers Zhao and sets for Chu they would be comparable in army size more or less, more territory and so on.
God Buggy
God Buggy
@Jailer I think Shiba will give Kanki the death blow (though Kanki won't die here) and then he and Riboku will stall Yotanwa and Ousen until Riboku's fall.

Personally, I feel Karin might be the stronger commander. And I can't wait to see what she pulls out during the giant Chu wars. But you made a good point.
She might be or end up becoming later. Hara already shows from time to time characters improving by changing their stats.
Karin going to outclass most of the top ranked generals currently in the series when we will be in the Chu's arc and might even shows warfare on the same level as Riboku. While i believes Riboku and Renpa are the best GG of warring era and SBS might get too much hype but his feats would definitely be below Riboku or Ousen.