
Good day, I'm Bogard's superior

Nvm my alias.. And they call me "GARAAAAAP CHUJOOOO" nice to acquaint myself. I appreciate your generosity , but I'll leave this to my humble subordinate Bogard who has gone to an errand as my crackers are running out.

Please be patient you'll be contacted soon...

And would you like some crackers with tea?
Phoenix D. King
Phoenix D. King
so youve spoken to my lackey @BleakAsh , made sure to tell him to welcome you here

Hes my subordinate, hope he isnt a bother sir
And sir I'm a Vice Admiral by choice.. Or i'd be bossing the dude above who is a mere Admiral in rank.

but since you contacted my subordinate I'm ought to supervise his doings, anyone else just awaits fatefully choking on dry crackers by my hands

Phoenix D. King
Phoenix D. King
Sadly i sit atop the empty throne

you are a lackey of my lackey's lackey's lackey's lackey @BleakAsh