
True. It wouldn't of been fair for the story either. Oda would of given the StrawHats another major plot armor that wouldn't be an enjoyable read. It was better for them to get trolled then to embarrass them more in actual loses.
Sasaki Kojirō
Yes, considering what the revolutionaries did at the Reverie against two admirals, and what Kid and Law did to a monster like Big Mom, I fear that King and Katakuri wouldn't have much trouble taking down an Admiral, especially Green Bull and Fujitora. They would only have real problems against the Yonko, and the Yonko of other crews would definitely need to be dealt with by another emperor, namely Kaido or Big Mom.
Sasaki Kojirō
It wouldn't be fair, and as stated in One Piece, the acquisition of the One Piece would easily fall into the hands of Kaido and Big Mom, just like world domination itself.
Sasaki Kojirō
It's really a shame that we didn't even get a little taste of the catastrophic scenario that the alliance of Kaido and Big Mom would have brought to the world, and the joint actions of the Beast Pirates with the Big Mom Pirates.
I hope we get to see a Red Hair Pirate and Cross Guild alliance. So we can see what a pirate alliance between two yonko is really capable of.
Sasaki Kojirō
You're right, that would be really cool! We would have Shanks and Mihawk, who are rivals, on the same boat, as well as Crocodile, Ben, and the others, and even Buggy. It would be insane comedy and also incredibly hyped!
It would be even cooler if characters like Doffy, Moria and Weevil joined the Cross Guild too. That would be an all star line up lol
Sasaki Kojirō
It's definitely an interesting point you've raised! Having Mihawk, Shanks, and Buggy on the same crew, along with Crocodile and Moriah who have personal issues with Blackbeard, could create a lot of comedic and hyped moments. As for Moriah potentially teaming up with Buggy to get back at Blackbeard, it's definitely a possibility, especially considering how much he despises Blackbeard for what he did to his crew. It
Sasaki Kojirō
It would definitely make for an exciting storyline! Adding Doflamingo to the mix would make it even more interesting.
@Sasaki Kojirō my current theory is that just like how the Straw Hats were responsible for the defeat of an alliance between the Big Mom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates, the Blackbeard Pirates will be responsible for the defeat of the Cross Guild + Red Hair Pirates.

but i'd love like an entire arc just focusing on Cross Guild + Red Hair Alliance. It would also help the Cross Guild get the Poneglyph rubbing.
Sasaki Kojirō
Your theory is really good, not only for us readers, but also for the manga itself, because it would break the cliché of only the Straw Hat crew being responsible for defeating "evil". It would give a different aspect and we could definitely see several cool confrontations, like Mihawk vs Kuzan or Shiryu.