
Please don’t take cancer lightly.
of people regardless who they are, to the actions of another, further inciting more hate an toxicity.
The act of a lowlife, and to think one would wanna do that to win agenda debates. Both sides equally worthless

No one is mocking cancer patients, ya'll just wanna witch hunt for the sake of it lol
Bro you literally said me saying something negative about your fandom was worse than wishing cancer on someone...

And why'd you revive this anyway, it ended days ago.
It is not about fandoms, but how hateful you gotta be to incite more negativity onto people, it might've been an exaggeration, but I was infact triggered by how low you're willing to go to brand people just to win your agenda war. I don't like being connected with someone wishing cancer over cartoons, and I certainly don't like you trying to force such toxicity onto pacifist people.
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Yeah no, as someone who was very close to a cancer patient, and watched as they slowly degraded physically and mentally until death, mocking someone for wanking a certain character is never going to be comparable to wishing cancer on an ENTIRE FAMILY over a fake scan that they have nothing to do with.
He's not 'mocking', you refuse to understand the concept
Wishing someone bad regardless of what it is, is equally an act of a lowlife as someone who uses this to his advantage to spread more toxicity
That's what Skysanji did, it's like he hit the jackpot when someone said this just so he can shit on people who dont wank his favorite cartoons
We were all expressing how degenrate of a comment but its like he was
celebrating, despicable.
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
"Spread more toxicity" Y'all started it by trying to clown people for not believing a blatantly fake and suspicious scan, SkySanji rightfully retaliated.
So again, I'm not sure what parallel dimension you're living in where that's comparable to wishing a terminal illness on someone's entire family for being honest about something.
SakazOuki trying to make me seem like the bad guy for something he said is hilarious 😂
'Rightfully retaliated'
By celebrating what that clown said to Sandman and using it to say that everyone who doesnt wank his favorite character is someone so degenerate he wishes cancer upon other people, basically.

If that celebration is rightful to you then this convo is useless.
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Wasn't he on Sandman's side? Sandman was being attacked by the same fanbase me and SkySanji were arguing with for tens of pages. So that comment also make no fucking sense what so ever.
You're crazy bro, I was defending Sandman the whole time because I knew the scan was fake from the beginning, you're the one that said insulting the Admiral fandom is worse than wishing cancer on someone, not me, take responsibility for the stupid shit you say and stop trying to shift it onto others.

I'm done here.
calling him a liar, which is no bigge. You guys were on Sandman's side, also cool. At that point I lost interest in the scan anyway.
But that redditor comment changed everything, absolutely no one on the forum condoned his action.
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
You're so full of shit it's actually amazing how you can believe the raw sewage flowing out of your mouth right now.
"This has nothing to do with whatever cunt character you stan." Then maybe don't compare slandering Akainu fans for wanking a fake scan to basically wishing death on a whole family for what is, at most, a misunderstanding/mistake.
Kurozumi Wiwi
Kurozumi Wiwi
SkySanji took the comments of ONE dipshit redditor from another website and tried to gaslight people into believing it was something admirals fans frequently do. Only purpose for doing something like this, is to spread more toxicity.
Didn't expect any better from a clown like you anyway
It is funny how one of the posters crying in this post once faked a whole ass death threat and bunch of hateful messages just to frame Lee Hung
And he's bold enough to act like a saint, pretty much projection here

Ain't gonna try explain it to a bunch of nutjobs no more
Try to end an argument peacefully challenge
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Okay first of all: Shishi, fucking stop instigating in every single argument/controversy you see on the site.
Nobody likes it and it's starting to piss me off. Mind your business.
And second of all: I do not care what SkySanji did. If he really did that then that's kind of weird and sad but it's even worse to say that slandering Akainu wankers is worse than wishing cancer on people's family over a small dispute on t