
Sasaki Kojirō
Just below that, we have the ranking of how strong you can get without having Adcoc but possessing a DF, and this ranking clearly belongs to the admirals: Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, Fujitora, Green Bull.
Bisoromi Bear
Bisoromi Bear
''Fan created characters'?'
Sasaki Kojirō
"the scale rankings of fan-created characters"

"LOW TOP TIER, MID TOP TIER" Was it Oda who invented it?
Bisoromi Bear
Bisoromi Bear
Oh, you mean fan made powerscaling terms
Sasaki Kojirō
Yes, that's why I mentioned: scale rankings.
Bisoromi Bear
Bisoromi Bear
Right, I forgot you're using Google translate. The machine might have mixed up some words
Sasaki Kojirō
Actually, what I think you did was ignore some of the words written, since there's nothing grammatically wrong with the sentence "I think we should change the scale rankings of fan-created characters."