
Also if Greenbull has green hair and a black blade, my theory about him being an evil Zoro, a literal Mosshead, for Sanji to fight goes up in value
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
That’s exactly how I’ve always seen him. An evil Zoro for the Marine Sanji fight. So him having green hair would check out.
Greenbull might be the most obvious Sanji opponent all time. Saying that as an admiral fan
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Yeah absolutely no idea how people don’t see him as a Sanji opponent. I’ve never seen a character in the history of this manga who was so obviously a future fight for a specific character.
@Elder Lee Hung i think thats just his "zoan form", it's like the most efficient and easiest way he can use to fight multiple opponents, but not the strongest in a 1vs1, and there is when his sword might come into play. I bet it's almost like a Zoan form, Zoan users who rely mostly on their devil fruits use Zoan form the whole time they are going to fight.
And Oda offscreened the fight at Udon, we don't know how much time it lasted. I doubt he transformed into a Brocolli there, it wouldn't fit imo
1) introduced fasting and talking about women? ✅
2) backstory where he’s betrayed by women? ✅
3) gets meme’d/humiliated in intro (like Queen)? ✅
4) green hair and black sword like Sanji’s rival? ✅

It’s literally all there
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Yeah the FMF form seems good for group fights or fights against giant opponents but 1v1 it doesn’t seem super optimal. He injured Fujitora without the form so I imagine he’ll use other techniques when he gets serious.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
@EmperorKinyagi don’t forget that he is both a faster as well as a “glutton” by using his DF to eat people. Literally screams “I am a cook’s worst nightmare”
@EmperorKinyagi I wouldn't say memed, but rather held back by the plot. Like, why Queen didn't shoot his lasers at Big Mom? He wasn't allowed.. What about Hybrid Form? Not allowed too, perhaps he didn't even thought it was necessary. It's more like being massively hyped and then being memed all at once
Zoro will fight Kizaru or Fujitora. Probably Fujitora since I think Kizaru loses to Luffy on Egghead. But maybe Kizaru clashes a little with Zoro to set up a future fight idk
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Sanji’s opponents have always been “goofy” and less serious than Zoro opponents. And Ryokugyu is definitely the goofiest Admiral in many ways.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Highly doubt Fuji fights a Straw Hat, he has zero reason to have a serious fight with the Straw Hats especially at EOS. Fuji will probably betray the WG in the end, there is a 0% chance he will seriously oppose the MCs
I subscribe to @Paperchampion23 ’s theory that the marines fall before the battle with the WG
Like Akainu goes down in the same arc as Blackbeard
You could definitely have Fuji vs Zoro then and have Fuji betray later
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Why would Fujitora oppose Zoro though? Lol

Why would Fuji oppose the Straw Hats who are against the WG? Fujitora already likes the Straw Hats after Dressrosa.
I think this is before the One Piece is found and the WG becomes the big bad
Kurozumi Wiwi
Kurozumi Wiwi
Marine HQ will never fall though. It will outlast the WG
Fuji is not pro-pirate, I think a lot of people confuse be him being a "good guy" with him not fighting the SH