
Lmao. Long time no see Toshi. A helpful dose of favoritism from @Bogard always helps with promotions.
Can you imagine, me going to OJ to find a dead link, then I login to NB after years and the place is a ghost town. Never could have guessed NB would still be standing (dead or not) past OJ, major shock there.
Rumor has it that Zise gave ownership of NB away to someone else, the site is having major financial issues. Dunno how much longer that crypt will last. I'm honestly a little happy NB is outliving OJ. A bunch of us were perma'd from OJ around Christmas last year because the staff couldn't take a joke and held a Hellofa grudge.
The part that bugs me about a forum closing down is the fact that I won't be able to relive some of those threads if i ever wanted to go back. So much content and it just disappears into thin air. And about the bans, so this downwards spiral started last winter? Were you banned as well?
Not gonna lie, that gets me too. Moreso with NB. When they switched over to Animebase, all my old content was gone. Some of the threads I was really proud of deleted. Who'll get to see my Kisame > Madara thread now?
The downward spiral started in late Summer when a few users made fun of the Mods in our fanclub. The mods closed the fanclub and we were all irate for a little while. Fastforward to Christmas, and the mods now tell us we can't make Admiral vs Yonkou, Doflamingo, or Zoro vs Sanji PL threads. So, @comrade and @Admiral Lee Hungand myself decided on profile posts to suddenly spam these threads.
The mentality being they couldn't delete them all and would go back on their retarded ass rules. Long story short, we were all banned for 2/3 months a piece. And within the first week of our bans, the bans were extended to May. A month later they perma banned us saying we "went on alts" to bypass the ban. Which was a lie, but they wanted a convenient excuse to perma us.
So that started off with half the Arena slowly getting perma banned alongside us or being generally bitter towards the staff. And now they're mostly here, those goons that were originally with us.
Lol so they were basically trying to take out everything on the vs section. Pretty lame, any forum that's in its last stages I noticed it starts with this exact targeted behaviour. Not to say people were angels over there, but telling a userbase to stop making threads that helped the forums growth to begin with is a big yikes.
That was the red light going off for a lot of us. Suddenly the staff wanting to pick and choose the content the userbase discussed left a bitter taste in my mouth. Oh, lol. They didn't allow us to meme. Gave us warning points for calling Linlin Big Meme or calling Kaido Laido after he got pummeled by Luffy. Outright censored the words so they autocorrected themselves.