
Owl Ki
Owl Ki
Off the top of my head, I would think that one of Renpa's Heavenly Kings could take him on. I am thinking Genpo and Kyouen specifically.
Gyou’Un too
Kansaro maybe if he delivers
The 3 young MC can maybe do it too
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
I would put Gyou’Un above him. Maybe Genpou and Kyou En would beat him as well as Owl said. And ofc the Juukou 4 would beat him but they are ex GGs.

Is Akou confirmed a head of former small state like the Juukou gang and the Heavenly Kings? I couldn’t tell from the flashback.
That one defensive formation of Ousen is so nasty that I don't know if even Shin or Ouhon can break through it.

When we talk Heavenly Kings we mean them going up individually with an army against Akou and not combined right ?

I only see Rinko breaking through with his Rindou....maybe
@Owl Ki Kyouen is definitely taking down Akou, he did come to mind but I counted him as a GG since he was the chief in some wasted state

Genpo is hard to scale for me, man is the closest thing to the Zhao version of Koshou (regardless how bullshit Koshou is as a character)
But in battledome, what army do we use for someone like him
Kyouen, Kaishibou, Shin, Ouhon and Kansaro

Technically the Juuko guys are only regular Generals

Rinko is breaking through but he's not beating Akou
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Shin broke through the sifting sands lol, Shells and Joints would stall him but it wouldn’t stop him.
Kinda off topic but instinctual type is such an asspull lmao
If Duke Hyou wasn't as cool as he was it'd have probably been lame
Keisha and Gyou'Un also each had their unique style

Shin's style however seems a bit bland, the transition from a total retard to someone who can counter Riboku is hella awkward
Anyway @Elder Lee Hung, I don't believe Shin seeing through shell and joints is a guarantee of beating the Akou army, without Kyoukai hax I'm favoring Akou still

Absolutely no chance for Ouhon and Mouton lol
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
@SakazOuki I’ll put it to you this way: I have Akou right at Garyuu level overall pretty much. That’s pretty much how I see Shin vs Akou
@Elder Lee Hung Shin alone is not beating shells and joints, it's not a matter of individual power, isn't the formation designed to get sturdier the further an enemy invades ?
Ouhon stated that he had no idea how to tackle that for a reason.

Kyoukai is a cheat code. With her I know they break through.
@SakazOuki All Ten's fault. She's still holding Shin's instinctual talents back. The HSU doesn't even fit to fight according to traditional strategies and tactics but as long as She's running things we won't get Shin fighting like the Duke until the Plot needs it which would be ass.
@Elder Lee Hung Garyu’s level in what, martial might? Not even close. He threw a couple good shots to honor RSJ and that’s respectable for a strategist for sure. But in actual combat either Bananji or Gyou’Un are taking him down in seconds, let alone both at once lol
As for tactics, its hard to make an argument for Garyuu with Akou’s resume
God Buggy
God Buggy
@SakazOuki By sheer hype, Genpou being a strategist able to lead the entire Zhao military is above all hype Akou received.

Regarding formations, what Akou showed against the Bananji, Gyou’Un and CGR armies (attacking at the same time)...these guys with their various abilities had no idea on how to deal with that until Riboku. Also Ouhon saw that shit and went: "Yeah that ain't falling to brute force lmao."
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou

Garyuu > Akou strategically

Akou > Garyuu martially

Garyuu ~ Akou tactically

Garyuu can use explicitly hyped 3GH tactics like Akou can. Akou fought Bananji as an equal and later Gyou’Un and Bananji so pretty clearly Akou > Garyuu martially. But Akou not targeting Garyuu as stated by Ousen was a major strategic failure from him.