
Elder Lee Hung
Elder Lee Hung
They attacked the Celestial Dragons, there’s nothing else to it. Garp is just a dumb PoS that he forgot he was there to arrest Roger and protected the Celestial Dragons lol.
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
"It's a goat, even if it flies!"
Elder Lee Hung
Elder Lee Hung
“That goat is eating grass? No, I thought goats only eat rocks. It can’t possibly be a goat because I assume goats only eat rocks!”
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
That's not even remotely the same thing. Look up "It's a goat even if it flies" real quick.
Elder Lee Hung
Elder Lee Hung
Your argument is literally “I assume something else happened with no evidence at all”
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
I provided evidence. Don't get mad at me for having an average reading comprehension.
Elder Lee Hung
Elder Lee Hung
What evidence? Your flawed understanding of Garp’s character?
Elder Lee Hung
Elder Lee Hung
So your evidence for Garp not arresting Roger is that Garp initially wanted to arrest Roger lol. Such an incoherent retard just like Garp and your Celestial Dragon idols
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
I've said this 500 times already but it's pretty clear he changed his mind once he got to God Valley.
Also, Rocks was a pirate as well. Garp is required to capture both of him, technically.
And come to think of it, he didn't even need to think about the slaves, as Kuma Ivankov and Ginny were helping them evacuate while Rocks and them fought.
Elder Lee Hung
Elder Lee Hung
Him changing his mind is the problem smart one, lmfao
Elder Lee Hung
Elder Lee Hung
He changed his mind because he is a gargantuan idiot with no ideology and is too stupid to have any kind of moral code
Elder Lee Hung
Elder Lee Hung
-> Gets mindfucked into a corner
-> spams retarded Gen Z emotes when he has nothing else lmfao.

It just goes to show that Yonko fans have always been the weakest people on earth lol.
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
@Tensub Look at this hooligan getting mad over the copium emotes
In terms of power he more than met expectations. But there are many issues with how he was handled in the plot of Wano arc
@Elder Lee Hung Talking about gen Z emotes while greentexting in a One Piece forum? You're hilarious. Did you get bullied out of /a/ or something?
Elder Lee Hung
Elder Lee Hung
Calm down Fairy Condom avatar lmfao.