
The fist the attacked Kizaru too. Because it doesnt have ACoC or ACoA. The required Haki that he trained for to bypass his durability.
Its like you missed the entire narrative of getting that special haki. If you dont have it you dont bypass his scales no matter how much stronger your attack is.

Case in point : King Kong Gun couldnt do shit to him but a regular Red Rock with ACoA made him bleed.
Anyways I just want you to atleast stop lying about Kaido only being a durability top tier when his durability was made irrelevant at the start of the raid and he spent the entire fight taking hits that damaged him. His endurance is top tier. He speed blitzed Luffy through the fight, even in G5, his speed is top tier. He killed and hurt G5 Luffy, his strength is top tier. His mobility is top tier in that he was
Dodging Snakeman Luffy when he felt like doing it. The man is a complete fighter so to say hes only durability based is a lie bro.
And I cant put you on ignore because youre my bro lmao. Outside of your Admiral nonsense youre pretty cool.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Magical Haki doesn’t impress me. We already saw how quick Oda is to pretend magic Haki doesn’t exist, or otherwise just not care about it at all in Egghead. Neither do all the other feats you mentioned impress me, because they are boring as shit and forgettable. I don’t care that he fought Fairy Mode or dodged whatever speed form that Katakuri and Kizaru also easily dodged, or defeated whatever mid/high tier-
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
-characters after they embarrassed him and that Ryokugyu also defeated in much cleaner fashion at the end of the arc, all that shit is so boring to me, and like I said Kaido already got matched outclassed in all those feats later on which is exactly what I predicted would happen in Egghead.

What impresses me is the actual badass feats of strength in OP. I’m talking Aokiji freezing the whole sea with his fingertips-
You dont care that he was overpowering G5 that was going all out, blitzed it many times and was keeping up with it? So what did you want from Kaido exactly?

And Luffy was no high tier when he defeated him he was a top tier, the Gorosei called their fight a world class battle. See bro, you handwave actual feats because they are boring or straight up downplay what happened for some reason.
Meanwhile you have Kizarus piss poor performance in Egghead and hes Wizaru to you lmao, you cant make this shit up. I mean Im aware he was conflicted and all but his feats werent good.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
-casually, or Fujitora dropping meteors casually or lifting the rubble over his head an obliterating an entire fleet of ships with it, or Ryokugyu jungle-nuking Udon casually, or Whitebeard’s quake attacks being felt at Shabondy miles away from Marineford, or even Midhawk’s iceberg feat which was crazy for a swordsman. All those feats of strength are actually what impress me, they are visually incredible and they-
>>>-characters after they embarrassed him and that Ryokugyu also defeated in much cleaner fashion at the end of the arc, all that shit is so boring to me, and like I said Kaido already got matched outclassed in all those feats later on which is exactly what I predicted would happen in Egghead.

This is a difference in personality not power, Kaido likes to play around. GB does not. He let the Scabbards do their thing
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
-Are unique to One Piece. By comparison Kaido was a retard swinging a mace around, who cares. And he wasn’t even swinging his mace that hard, base Luffy was blocking his mace strikes and even Nekomamushi swatted his mace out of his hand at one point. Kaido and Big Mom couldn’t even destroy the basement they fought bloodlusted inside while Aokiji and Akainu fucking terraformed huge island over ten days of battle.-
In the hopes that they would kill him, after seeing that they cant. He destroyed them all in base form. Its funny how you hype up Akainu facing off the WB pirates in MF but Kaido negging multiple high tiers is boring and nothing amazing.

Anyways Ill stop bro, you set up your expectations for Kaido way too high and now you are punishing him for not living up to them.
-casually, or Fujitora dropping meteors casually or lifting the rubble over his head an obliterating an entire fleet of ships with it, y for a swordsman. All those feats of strength are actually what impress me, they are visually incredible and they-

Kaido lifting Onigashima and moving it around while fighting isnt impressive?
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
All these boring ass high-tier looking feats from Kaido did not impress me, he had the DC of an East Blue character and all of the supposedly impressive unquantifiable speed and durability feats of his got matched or outclassed in the very same arc he showed them. He was visually the most boring top tier to watch fight, his DC was pathetic and his 1v1 feats themselves didn’t even hold up for one arc, again,-
>>>And he wasn’t even swinging his mace that hard, base Luffy was blocking his mace strikes and even Nekomamushi swatted his mace out of his hand at one point. Kaido and Big Mom couldn’t even destroy the basement they fought bloodlusted inside while Aokiji and Akainu fucking terraformed huge island over ten days of battle.-

Again Lee, The Admirals didnt destroy Marifeford either so why would Kaido when hes trying
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
-exactly as I predicted. If Oda wanted Kaido to be impressive he really should’ve given him some huge DC feats so his poor 1v1 FeAtS didn’t get embarrassed later on but that’s exactly what happened.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Jesus Christ you couldn’t let me finish before you posted all that shit? Lol
To make Onigashima into his capital? You use the Marineford excuse for the admirals but when it comes to Kaido and Onigashima I guess it doesnt matter?

And Luffy blocking his attacks in base or gear 2 is like I said him holding back, hes the same guy that was ass kicking G5 he couldve easily murked base Luffy but didnt because he enjoys fighting thats all. You really failed to understand his character man or maybe
Youre just being obtuse?

-exactly as I predicted. If Oda wanted Kaido to be impressive he really should’ve given him some huge DC feats so his poor 1v1 FeAtS didn’t get embarrassed later on but that’s exactly what happened.

DC isnt everything and his DC was fine, his strongest Boro Breaths were longer then Onigashima, his Flaming Drum Dragon was melting shit just by being near it. Hes not supposed to show huge DC