Embers Kaios

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  • Daily Reminder: Sanji is not special and he was never gifted anything

    Everything he has, he earned. Every other strong person in One Piece is GIFTED! Sanji wasn’t and yet he can competen with these people

    It truly is crazy how powerful this man is off of pure hard work
    Embers Kaios
    Embers Kaios
    @moreha9685 They’re not a gift especially when he already had them in the first place with pure hard work…..they’re just an extra miscellaneous DLC add on
    Embers Kaios
    Embers Kaios
    @L57 The only Vergo victim here would be Zoro seeing as he needs others conqueror’s haki to even be able to compete with the people Sanji casually demolishes in base

    Everything besides the exo Sanji already had through sheer hard work and training. His enhancements do not make him special compared to a normal one piece human
    Why lie tho? Oda already said he always had heat resistence bcs of judge
    He was never a normal human
    Zoro is the not gifted one
    Metaphor: Refantasio is my definitive game of the year
    It’s beyond amazing and addicting

    I’m 80 hours in and still not done
    Embers Kaios
    Embers Kaios
    @TheKnightOfTheSea Ofc not! You aint see nothing yet bro!

    You really do travel across the entire country
    i'm actually excited to hear that dungeons get harder. the combat so far is the least engaging part of the game for me

    is it true that you get to return to all the dungeons eventually? I heard there's not many missable items.
    Embers Kaios
    Embers Kaios
    Yes! You do indeed get to return to every dungeon for any lost loot or treasure you may of missed

    Or if you simple want to deliver a long overdue ass whooping upon the monster and bosses who Neg diffed you before
    Great Ape Vegeta:
    1. Has super armor
    2. Takes very little damage from your basic attacks yet will constantly block them
    3. Spams his ultimate attacks
    4. Spams his grabs (Bro can actually grab you without actually touching you. I’ve been grabbed multiple times under him and on the side of his somehow while he grabbed literal air) Mind you these grabs do a decent chunk of damage
    5. Can’t be combo’d
    Bro…..so I was looking back at my old statuses and realizing some crazy ass shit I was originally blinded by

    I was indeed insanely toxic 5 years ago like holy FUCK it’s mind blowing

    I really did calm down a lot. The me some of you know now is a saint compared to that absolute menace I was years ago. I’m shocked I wasn’t perma banned CHRISTTT
    What kind of things were you saying 5 years ago, lol?
    Embers Kaios
    Embers Kaios
    A lot….there’s so many things to recount but I’m certain at least one person who’s been on here long enough would definitely comment some wild stuff i’ve said in the past

    One thing I will say is I have stated that the world would be better off without zorofans (the extremist are who i was referring to)
    We're glad that you're still here with us.

    Sometimes people have to let out all of their pent up frustrations at times and you most likely didn't intend on any serious harm with your comments even back then anyways.

    Not gonna lie but I’m a little bummed out by Champa, Vados, Basil, Lavender, GT Trunks, Super 17, Eis and Nouva Shenron not being in the base game

    Especially Lavender and Basil. They did way more than Roasie and Kakunsa but didn’t get a spot somehow? Regardless the roster is looking pretty damn fantastic!

    I expect the DB Super Hero characters to be the first 3 batches of DLC
    Embers Kaios
    Embers Kaios
    Hoping somehow to see Android 21 (Good & Evil) sometime as well
    It is now the month of September and I’ve decided to turn over a new leaf

    To those of you that worship Zoro, I feel a deep amount of empathy for you. In no world should a teenager or grown man worship a character. Especially one like Zoro
    Embers Kaios
    Embers Kaios
    I’m sorry to tell some of you this but you are NOT him And you will NEVER be him. Sorry that I had to crush some of your dreams like that

    To worship Zoro has to equate to some real life trauma of some sort

    It’s ok, you’re not alone. Share your trauma here. I’m always here if you need someone to talk with

    Just know that you’re better than this and whatever trauma got you to this point, you can overcome it!
    Daily reminder: When you venture off the path of the main quest in a video game to complete a mini side mission just realize that’s ZORO’S entire dream

    A SIDE QUEST that holds very little weight to the story in the grand scheme of things
    Embers Kaios
    Embers Kaios
    Oda stated he wanted someone more like ryuma

    Zoro only shares his resemblance and swordsmanship

    Sanji has his personality. Sanji is the true deuteragonist
    Likes: RyoQ
    Monster Luffy
    Monster Luffy
    Don't fight for any of SHs. Oda won't respect any SH anymore. Others will accomplish their tasks and dreams for them.
    Embers Kaios
    Embers Kaios
    Indeed! Enma (Oden’s Haki) will defeat Mihawk for Zoro
    The Batman Who Laughs
    The Devastator
    The Merciless
    The Red Death
    The Dawnbreaker
    The Drowned
    The Murder Machine
    The Grim Knight
    I like to think of myself as a Dark Souls/Elden Ring Boss or a Truth Seeking Orb

    Yeah, I’m a little weird sometimes
    Honestly it brings great relief and JOY to me to know that a literal JOKE character like buggy factually has more plot relevance and importance than his incompetent fan service subordinate Mihawk 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


    Can't keep hanging on
    To what is dead and gone
    If you built yourself a myth
    You'd know just what to give
    Or let the ashes fly
    Help me to name it
    Help me to name it
    Why would someone choose the gay goku if there's the normal retard one?
    Embers Kaios
    Embers Kaios
    So because he has pink hair that means he’s gay?

    Words are wasted on you
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