Search results for query: oil twerking

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  1. Toby D. Dog

    Drizzy 6God Drake VS Kendrick (ALL OUT WAR Thread)

    Lmao, keep projecting dude. Doesn’t change the fact you’re coping harder than Ye fans. 1714929668 Drake had a good one with family matters (even tho I think it’s 🧢) but bro can’t come back after meet the grahams and they not like us.
  2. L57

    Drizzy 6God Drake VS Kendrick (ALL OUT WAR Thread)

    :ihaha::ihaha: Drake fans are also gay man the way they twerking for that man :shame: Next level dickriding
  3. mly90

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1114 Rayan's PSG gonna cry Spoilers Discussion

    Save that wanking for Akainu you are not getting anything twerking for the guy responsible for lowering the admirals stocks to almost zero :jordanmf:
  4. Definitivo

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Do you want me to look for it? lol. But it's normal, I wouldn't have much hope on Buggy's subordinate
  5. mly90

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    I have not seen anyone push that garbage lmao you are hallucinating. Rat isn't anywhere near the strongest let him stick to twerking for the gorosei it's what he does best
  6. EmperorKinyagi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Greenbull: "Yesssss sink me Imu sama" starts twerking
  7. zenox

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    the yonko vs admiral debate been finished ever since greenbul started twerking kizaru vs nika just placed the final nail on the coffin
  8. Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    that topmass got me sailing at full mast
  9. CoC: Color of Clowns

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Hakuna ma GYATT GYATT GYATT GYATT I need sleep Twerking Topman is making me lose it WHEN HE WAS A YOUNG WARTHOG
  10. MarineHQ

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Don't ever compare the Pig to the Gigamaki. This is what Aramaki does to him.
  11. EmperorKinyagi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Greenbull legit starts twerking the moment Topman pulls out his COCk
  12. CoC: Color of Clowns

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Urouge: "CHILDREN 86-100 ARE MIIIIIIIINE!!!"
  13. CoC: Color of Clowns

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Think bigger: Twerking Zunesha
  14. Peroroncino

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    bad writing would be not to have kizaru return to his nika twerking self
  15. Lor D. Coast

    Questions & Mysteries Teach and Saturn showed CoC Haki sound effects before Admirals did

    You forgot that he included the admirals in that, years later and you have admirals twerking to conqueror's haki and bragging about having haki on Sentomaru's level.
  16. Oliver

    General & Others Another day to remind you again that Gorosei were scared of Kaido

    I mean we've just seen a new yonko twerking on these guys practically on his own, of course they were afraid of Kaido he had multiple islands and an entire army to burn. Orochi wasn't lying, and if Kaido needed revenge he could just pull up to Marijou with king and end their entire family...
  17. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

    Assuming Kidd survived, "plot" dictates that Kidd goes after the ones that fodderized his crew, so Kidd vs Galdino's victims. Another L but at least he survived to lose again. :jordanmf:
  18. Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

    He also stans a character who's literally dead right now and thinks he'll come back and fight a Gorosei after Shanks clapped his ass raw in front of his whole crew and had them twerking for forgiveness And now he's coping and ranting about the oh so evil Zoro fans but he's too scared to even...