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  1. Juanpiz

    Powers & Abilities Rename Koby's "Honesty Impact" attack

    Whats the with the relationship between bb and coby anyway? During mf coby distracted people so that the fighting didn't go on (it's unsure if bb would have won), the Wang zhi stuff, the boa stuff and coby getting captured
  2. Juanpiz

    Powers & Abilities Rename Koby's "Honesty Impact" attack

    Tbf at least he did something and didn't get turned into stone like helmeppo
  3. Juanpiz

    Powers & Abilities Rename Koby's "Honesty Impact" attack

    Still weird for a famous, long serving and proud marine
  4. Juanpiz

    Powers & Abilities Rename Koby's "Honesty Impact" attack

    "Oh furthermore I took care of ace, the son of the king of pirates.. You know our enemies"
  5. Juanpiz

    Powers & Abilities Rename Koby's "Honesty Impact" attack

    How honest was his idol garp to him about what happened at God Valley? :milaugh: