Search results for query: oil twerking

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  1. zenox

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    well here is 2 weeks worth of content
  2. Redboy776

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    They have peak fruits that boost all their States while also giving them special ability, imus blessing, all of them have at least coa, can hide their presence so very good mastery of haki (CoO killing), awakening).
  3. Ven437

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    These HKs are just standing there using their most basic powers and already got the Giants twerking over some children’s drawings :KizOut: If Sommers or whoever has the fear ability can manifest the opponent’s biggest fear regardless of tier class then that’s pretty fking gas
  4. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    What lightning? :saden: His ability is 💤 related.
  5. zenox

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Everyone will start twerking if the lightning is black
  6. Sentinel

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    They know their boy cannot defeat the 1HP seacuffs prisoner unlike Gigabull who owned "1HP", "invisible seacuffs" King and Queen with no issues. :kobeha:
  7. MarineHQ

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Why are Zoro bros still twerking lmao.
  8. Fujishiro

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    You read Hunter x Hunter right bb?
  9. SakazOuki

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Only in OP do people ignore values and mentality and focus on twerking and gags as a sole factor in “personality” Warco is Whitebeard’s rhm
  10. SakazOuki

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Kuma? :saden: He’ll be the lead dancer in the final war, his Nika twerking talents are needed
  11. SakazOuki

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Nika‘s beats will have all the alliance twerking you love to see it :steef: Each chapter will have at least 20 mentions of Nika :risisure:
  12. [No Name]

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    :shocked: Oden spirit met with gaban saying that Zoro reminds him of Spencer of Roger crew.
  13. kekaro

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Enma, Odens sprit came out, he twerking again
  14. CoC: Color of Clowns

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Hajrudin: "No, Loki! Put Ragnir down! Stop using Ragnir as a Stripping Pole! Stop busting it back, Loki! Your thunderous ass cheeks clapping are causing real lightning!" Loki: "I'VE BEEN LOCKED UP FOR SIX YEARS, AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE MY BODY AND BOOTY!" In a stunning double page spread, Loki...
  15. MarineHQ

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Damn dudes actually twerking 0.000001hp Loki doing shit to their fav lmao. Better find a new one, this is pathetic.
  16. Fleet Leader Fenaker

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Let's see if i have fake spoilers when leaks drop. :risiflip:
  17. kekaro

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Who between the 2 of us made fake spoiler pretend to have some discord leaks ? :sanmoji: alot of twerking there :chopoff:
  18. CoC: Color of Clowns

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1141 Spoilers Discussion

    Gerdquake: "A non-natural phenomena of intense tremors/earthquakes caused by Giant women twerking repeatedly" Example: "Did you see that Giant Rave last night? Gerd was busting it back so hard, I heard Wano had a Gerdquake, and Mt. Fuji erupted! Not the first time Gerd's ass had made a whole...
  19. Wizak08

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1141 Spoilers Discussion

    Only seen one person so far, he isn't even scared rither
  20. SakazOuki

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1141 Spoilers Discussion

    Literally any character: breathes Sword swallowers: