Search results for query: Neckbeard

  1. Jailer

    Character Discussion How do we feel about BB?

    Reminder your "chad" killed a ship of civilians
  2. Shiroyru

    Character Discussion How do we feel about BB?

    @Elder Lee Hung Admiral hater expectations going into this chapter: “Red Dog captured Ginny for the Celestial Dragons! AdmiraLLLs!” Reality: Oda reveals that the chad Papazuki went out of his way to save a 10 year old girl from a neckbeard pedophile
  3. Elder Lee Hung

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

    Neckbeard showing us once again how the World’s Strongest Fedora earned that title “Ooooh a 12 year old superbabe. Want to be my girl?” Big Papa showed up and chivalrously saved the innocent child from the dirty poonbeard
  4. Erkan12

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

    Teach is as innocent as @TheAncientCenturion :milaugh: While Lakainu knew all the BDSM that his Celestial Dragon masters do he provides the slaves for them.

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

    not gonna talk about the fact the neckbeard you don is a known pedophile loving on 10 yr old girls. lovely akainu showed up when he did

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

    average neckbeard behavior not suprised at all
  7. kurwa

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

  8. Pringles

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

    Oda-rling, he's sOdone!
  9. Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

    -Introduces a cool, sort of strong female character -She's raped by an inbred neckbeard racist two/three chapters later and then dies Good job Oda, you finally beat the sexism allegations
  10. Erkan12

    Controversial Which Fanbase Disowns Their Own Members?

    See this bitch is no different than the first post, whats your business the ages of the users you insecure clown I don't remember telling my personal info to you. Get a life clown. :milaugh: No one called your name here yet you wanted to suck ass. Rebuttal of what? You make excuse as usual...
  11. Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier

    Controversial Which Fanbase Disowns Their Own Members?

    No rebuttals so he resorts to insults as usual. Sad but what can you expect from a 30 year old neckbeard in his daddy's basement
  12. Elder Lee Hung

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1094 Spoilers Discussion

    Kizaru > Saturn >> Blackbeard, I’ll give Saturn that much lol. Bonney’s victim would abuse Neckbeard
  13. Elder Lee Hung

    Questions & Mysteries How did Aramaki get his Black Blade?

    Strange, I seem to recall Mihawk shitting himself over the idea of fighting the likes of Neckbeard and Goofy lmfao Really Aramaki makes Black Blade users look ten times better than Fearhawk of the Clown Pirates and Ryuma the Wano rat
  14. ranady

    Neckbeard probably the only one who can prevent Wizaru from leaving the island. In science it is...

    Neckbeard probably the only one who can prevent Wizaru from leaving the island. In science it is said that light cannot escape from black hole. Who knows Neckbeard'a Yami Yami no Mi could also do the same to Wizaru 👀
  15. ZenZu

    Character Discussion Satoru "Goatjo" Gojo Fumbled All Of His Biggest Fights

    Shanks is the worst possible matchup for Teach and he's still losing to that klutz. Take that in.
  16. DarkestKnightofSpoilers

    General & Others "The Yonko Have Better Portrayal Than The Admirals"

    Bonney only tried to get our Man BB locked up ,cheap tactic :kriwhat:
  17. EmperorKinyagi

    General & Others "The Yonko Have Better Portrayal Than The Admirals"

    :whitepress: Even justifying it sounds weird
  18. Blackbeard

    General & Others "The Yonko Have Better Portrayal Than The Admirals"

    Nonchalant since Neckbeard was into her physically adult self.
  19. EmperorKinyagi

    General & Others "The Yonko Have Better Portrayal Than The Admirals"

    How are dealing with the fact that Neckbeard is a pedo now that he was into Bonney?