We clown Kidd for getting one-shot by Shanks and some folks here downscale him to YC1-2 even
Clowning GB for twerking to Wifi Haki several miles away is on par for the course
Nobody cares about this stuff ong it’s the twerking that majority clowned GB for
But if Akainu or a CD told GB to take kids hostage then GB would ask how many
And this will be established when he defeats an admiral
Will you look back on all the hours you wasted on waiter propaganda, just for sanji to solo one of them?
If Gaban and Rayleigh are the king/queen Marco/jozu zoro/sanji etc that likely means Roger was extremely underestimated
If the gap between Roger and his wings is any type similar to luffy oldbeard or kaido’s he was more of a monster than we think. Him and primebeard
It's just embarrassing man
They're coming out of the woodworks talking about "b-but Nami is Gaban's real parallel"
But I'm supposed to believe they don't care about Sanji or his fans lol
Are Zoro fans preaching Zoro vs Master sword level Fuji or Black Blade Aramaki or "only deals with number 2s" kizaru these days?
It gets confusing when they switch it every new info that drops.
The biggest accomplishment of Zoro fans in the past 5 years is successfully gaslighting the community that Sanji's ceiling was King and that's why they're twerking. They know old washed Gaban will set up the floor for Sanji as Top Tier which was always his destination anyways as a fellow wing of...
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