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  1. BillSlipton

    Controversial Why is the Spoiler Section the most Toxic and Negative section of this site?

    This is a zboy forum. If it's not a zoro fighting chapter then they think it sucks and have to let everyone know
  2. BillSlipton

    Speculations What if Zoro never gets a supreme grade?

    Zoro the ultimate black blade collector. He will hand the original one from kuina over to ryokugyu who will transform it for him before their fight in order for it to be a fun battle :shocked:
  3. BillSlipton

    Anime & Manga Sbs volume 85 clarifies speed feat in Wano

    Better than hyping zoro beyond his means and getting disappointed that he extreme diffed lucci😂😂😂😂😂
  4. BillSlipton

    Anime & Manga Sbs volume 85 clarifies speed feat in Wano

    Saved nami and edison bub Neg diff blitzed nusjuro while using diable jambe and left him pouring out blood. Imagine a beef burst blitz launching him to the next island.
  5. BillSlipton

    Character Discussion Zoro is Alpha, Sanji is an envious Beta as per the One Piece manga latest chapter

    You're shown two statements showing cooking and fighting are intrinsic to his character. You're retarded
  6. BillSlipton

    Character Discussion Zoro is Alpha, Sanji is an envious Beta as per the One Piece manga latest chapter

    Your retardation knows no bounds Man's was introduced bodying a high ranking officer for disrespecting and wasting food and you're telling me he's not fighting oriented? :kailaugh: This is the end of his introduction chapter. It doesn't get more fight oriented than that😂
  7. BillSlipton

    Anime & Manga Sbs volume 85 clarifies speed feat in Wano

    Yeah. Sanji neg diff blitzing zoros future opponent with diable jambe and performing better than jimbei+zoro combo attack 1728358508 Where? Muugens done nothing different from any other z boy here. Make claims with no proof and misportray context.
  8. BillSlipton

    Anime & Manga Sbs volume 85 clarifies speed feat in Wano

    How'd you like the rest of egghead😂😂😂
  9. BillSlipton

    Powers & Abilities Death Wink is an ACoA technique; Sanji will get it

    Instigating doesn't compensate for the fact that zoro is only as strong as his magic swords
  10. BillSlipton

    Powers & Abilities Death Wink is an ACoA technique; Sanji will get it

    57Ls how many times do I gotta whoop you in debate for you to understand? Go swallow swords in piece. Don't misplace the swords tho. You'll be half as strong:kailaugh:
  11. BillSlipton

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1128 Spoilers Discussion

    Idk. I wouldn't argue against that point but I would argue bird dance isn't the same tier as tatsumaki or whatever king of hell equivalent If zoro used koh bird dance there I wouldn't clown on him. I'd recognize it's a lower end attack that he put some effort into
  12. BillSlipton

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1128 Spoilers Discussion

    I guess bird dance is as strong as tatsumaki. Ifrit may have been used but a lower tier move was still selected