Search results for query: Neckbeard

  1. Adamxero

    One Piece 1117:Mo-

    Smoker baby let's fucking go!!!! Smoker > YC1 Smoker coming back to clean Cryby's mess save Garp and defeat Kuzan while not giving a shit about Neckbeard. @SmokedOut @SakazOuki @Warine @MarineHQ @Admiral Mou Bu :steef:
  2. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries "Law tanked g4 tier punches "

    He compares them like that because he was going to be their crew member you dumb ape :milaugh: I was right, you were always wrong as usual, take your ZKK level L. Yes it was confirmed long ago by Topman as well, you can't read, you are dumb. Just accept it and move on lmao.
  3. Elder Lee Hung

    Questions & Mysteries "Law tanked g4 tier punches "

    In terms of trustworthiness, you ape Neckbeard will never reach Admiral level lol Because it wasn’t even implied back then. Should I also tell you it’s also not confirmed that Kaido and Saint Shanks have a lesbian relationship? If your dumbass had the ability to actually read words then...
  4. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries "Law tanked g4 tier punches "

    Yes he was confirmed when I told you Assmiraltards, Teach literally compares Aokiji to Shiryu, thats why your dumb ass replying to my post saying Shiryu and Aokiji are different when it wasn't because I told you there Teach said Aokiji will be like Shiryu, thats a simple reading comprehension...
  5. Elder Lee Hung

    Questions & Mysteries "Law tanked g4 tier punches "

    ...That comment was factually correct at the time. I know it’s difficult for you to fathom posting something that is factually correct by try to imagine what it would feel like if you weren’t a mouth-foaming lunatic lol And Kuzan is still by far the strongest member of the Neckbeard Pirates anyway.
  6. O

    Break Week Would this Forum even be half as active or alive if Zoro as a Topic was forbidden in here ?

    ...reason most people read these stories is because they want to pretend they are someone like Midora from Toriko when in reality they're a neckbeard living in mom's basement most often. vi·car·i·ous /vəˈkerēəs,vīˈkerēəs/ adjective experienced in the imagination through the feelings or...
  7. kekaro

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Isnt shillew top 2? :shocked:
  8. Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    He's undercover, when the right moment comes he'll take out neckbeard and shityu of the golden shower
  9. Finral Roulacase

    Spoiler Black Clover General Spoiler Thread

    probably because BC chads have jobs and families and these are irregular hours for spoilers for anyone other than a permanently online incel neckbeard like (you)
  10. G

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    - Fatty - S-hawk's victim - Pancakizaru - non-logia awakened
  11. Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    BB should be Neckbeard Kizaru should be pancake
  12. G

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

    Measuring the size of S-hawk attack just to wank Neckbeard's basic CoA. :smart::smart::smart:
  13. Gari

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

    Neckbeard is insane:kobeha:
  14. Kurozumi Wiwi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

    U so mad about Neckbeard running away from Akainu in 10 vs 1, holy shit
  15. Kurozumi Wiwi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

    Didn’t read your cope . You admitted retreat = danger. Too late to backpedeal now. Neckbeard ran way from Akainu despite his whole crew being with him because he felt danger. Take your L
  16. Erkan12

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

    You are too stupid, he wasn't fighting anyone there. Lakainu was already fighting but he chose a momentary retreat vs Marco due to Marco's power was a threat to him. Teach had no intention of fighting with Marines in the first place there, was just waiting for a transition not waiting for a...
  17. Kurozumi Wiwi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

    It’s okay. This clown indirectly admitted Neckbeard ran away from Akainu with his whole crew because of danger lmao
  18. Kurozumi Wiwi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

    did you just admit that Neckbeard ran away from Akainu with his whole crew because he was in danger? :kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha:
  19. Roo

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    you should watch the honored one vs neckbeard
  20. Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    His fave got mid diffed by a neckbeard