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  1. chaos_syndrome

    Bougya Debunked, now stop tagging me

    60+ pages of flame war and the minute it was debunked, "hurr durr why are you so serious get a life". Repulsive.
  2. chaos_syndrome

    News One Piece Live Action Series!!

    This has to be the first time ever I've seen anyone rank Long Ring Long Island S tier....
  3. chaos_syndrome

    Anime & Manga I'm Looking for More Queens to Simp For

    If you play video games I think Edelgard from Fire Emblem: Three Houses fits every criteria nicely.
  4. chaos_syndrome

    Character Discussion Which Egghead Vice Admiral has your favorite design?

    Doll. Some of them look like the 4th and 5th missing races from Totto Land.
  5. chaos_syndrome

    Character Discussion Overall Did Kaido meet expectations ?

    I hate how Oda just left the whole suicide thing unexplored. That introduction built so much hype for him, then it all fizzled out for nothing. We got the generic "hurr durr death is the completion of life" as explanation while the whole "Kaido can't be killed" theme got tossed aside. I maintain...
  6. chaos_syndrome

    Questions & Mysteries Would shiryu have his own fanbase?

    Back in Jun 2022 Oda did character commissions for two composers of film RED. One of them chose Shiryu. So yes, Shiryu already has fans so devoted that when they had one chance to get a piece of Oda signed art, they specifically ask for Shiryu. And the agenda driven minds of this forum can't...
  7. chaos_syndrome

    Controversial What's the biggest Stephen Paul L?

    This is insanity. Instead of "Hundred Beasts implies all manner of animals implies King of Beasts implies lion implies he rules over them in some implied kingdom-ish fashion", how about just take the damn fact that he's a captain of his crew and leave it at that? And no one broke it to him that...
  8. chaos_syndrome

    General & Others Viz updated translation: "The man who passed the sentence was a dominating figure who once distinguished himself at a place called God Valley!!"

    What if the Figarland clan abandoned GV for Mary Geoise and returned for unknown reason with Garling temporarily ruling the place? We know some CDs were there with their slaves after all.
  9. chaos_syndrome

    Questions & Mysteries What is Imu's gender?

    If Imu is male he's at risk of being an absolute disfigured okama, if Imu is female she's at risk of getting the BM treatment and ending up as a powerlevel letdown, hmmmmm...
  10. chaos_syndrome

    Current Events ‘Warrior God’ is a Fake Translation - Viz Official Translation is ‘Godhead’

    Great, Animal Kingdom Pirates strike again. I don't even care about the actual power levels of Gorosei, Stephen should be unemployed.
  11. chaos_syndrome

    Character Discussion Why Kid's loss is genuinely infuriating and Shanks is a trash, unrealistic utopia character created by the delusional daydreams of a weakling nerd

    "Kid always gets back up and remains unafraid to challenge those stronger than him no matter how slim the chance is therefore he's cool blah blah" So is Jack. Kid's most endearing aspect of personality is equivalent to that of Jack's. If you think at some point Oda actually cares more for blind...
  12. chaos_syndrome

    Current Events So...what the hell is going on with the Navy ?

    If the main conflict pre-timeskip is about "Marines vs Pirates", then post-timeskip we are seeing more and more of "World Government vs Anyone that won't take their shit", Revolutionaries, unaffiliated countries, affiliated countries that had enough, etc. And yes this time the Marines are...
  13. chaos_syndrome

    The baiting Room

    The emotional impact of Ace's death was so powerful that I cried a bit even if I didn't care much for Ace before, not to mention WB was a true legend through and through. Nothing in Wano comes remotely close to that no matter how hard Oda tries to convince people otherwise
  14. chaos_syndrome

    The baiting Room

    :seriously:Powerlevel again? No hinto?
  15. chaos_syndrome

    The baiting Room

    Seriously though whatever happens I just hope Yamato doesn't end up having "adventures" in Wano. Oden whined about Wano being too enclosed for him his whole life; if that proves to be enough for Yamato's explorations it just feels like even her will for freedom is inferior to that of Oden's
  16. chaos_syndrome

    The baiting Room

    I remember one jap artist popping up her third Kaido/King doujinshi this month or Sep and it's only been 8 months since face reveal:whitepress:
  17. chaos_syndrome

    The baiting Room

    I can't believe burger king got the least number of votes.
  18. chaos_syndrome

    The baiting Room

    I for one have been waiting for Sabo and Vivi update since forever. Hopefully we'll get a hint before the one month break
  19. chaos_syndrome

    The baiting Room

    Bot invasion + no spoiler hint:seriously: