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    Character Discussion Charlotte Snack: The Failure of a former Commander

    Jack beat most of minks in their sulong forums. Jack feats are very impressive.
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    Character Discussion What character do you think needs an overhaul

    Give brook more meat on the bone. He's from an era just before roger and whitebeard, wish we got to know more about that time in brook life.
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    Speculations What will Scopper Gaban’s “King” title be?

    King of dong, he must have a big one
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    Character Discussion Most annoying Straw Hat

    Zoro such a boring character
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1133 Spoilers Discussion

    Don't think saul the man marked by flames
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1133 Spoilers Discussion

    Well you can always drop it. No one forcing you to read
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1133 Spoilers Discussion

    There's more to One piece than just fights
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1131 Spoilers Discussion

    No one in one piece cares for wws title. If mihawk so strong, why didn't kaido acknowledge his strength.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1131 Spoilers Discussion

    Kaido doesn't think so
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1131 Spoilers Discussion

    Yet he still stronger than Mihawk
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1131 Spoilers Discussion

    If mihawk so strong, why did kaido not Acknowledge him
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1130 Spoilers Discussion

    You new to one piece, lots of one piece characters have goofy characters designs
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    Character Discussion "Coby is the new Garp so he should be a "RiVaL" of Luffy"

    Chinjao not in his prime now, not sure why you brought that up. Garp crushed prime chinjao with one punch. forced him into retirement, and crushed his dreams.
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    Questions & Mysteries Which Gorosei will Zoro face?

    Don't worry he will surpass him very soon. Meanwhile zoro will always be in luffys shadow.
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    Character Discussion Live Action Confirms Crocodile Is/Was A Woman

    Millions of whites in Cuba. Most famous Cuban Fidel Castro was white. Plus pretty sure crocodile Italian than Cuban
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    Questions & Mysteries Luffy doesn't need to defeat a gorosie anymore.

    Zoro did nothing the arc but beat luffys left overs. He couldn't even do that properly either. Luffy humiliated saturn more than once, even when he had Borsalino as back up. Luffy also sent mars packing.