Search results

  1. RayanOO

    Powers & Abilities Kirin DF vs Kanjuro DF

    Which one is the best between both of them ? Both can create monsters, food, or almost anything discuss @Ven437 @nik87 @moreha9685 @MonsterKaido @ZenZu @Buusatan94 etc etc
  2. RayanOO

    Shoot McMahon vs Feitan Portor

    Here a fight vs Feitan and Shoot Shoot is at his best mentally vs Lets go They are fighting in neutral ground @Chrono @dirtyLarry @Fujishiro @xenos5 @zenox @MonochromeYoru @SkySanji @MonsterKaido @BillSlipton @Marimo_420 @XGoldrogeRX @Warine @SakazOuki @Tyki_Mikk @Bullet @Aster...
  3. RayanOO

    Versus Battle Rictus (Arcane) vs Houken (Kingdom)

    Here the fight of the pole arm berserker Rictus the Noxus enforcers and Ambessa right hand from Arcane in the left corner The Bushin Houken from Kingdom in the right corner Let’s go @Elder Lee Hung @TheKnightOfTheSea @Yo Tan Wa @Bullet @God Buggy @ConquistadoR @DKI @Owl Ki...
  4. RayanOO

    Bougya What if : every fake dead characters were really killed ? What would change in the story and plot ?

    What if Oda grew a pair and let his characters being killed instead of resurrecting them in the most bullshit ways ? What would have changed in the plot and in the story ? here the list of the fake deaths (obviously not counting SH and main cast) it’s only for secondary characters - Pell...
  5. RayanOO

    Spoiler HxH 409 spoiler thread

    spoils out let’s go @NikaInParis @dirtyLarry @MUUGEN etc can you tag people pls
  6. RayanOO

    How strong is Morel ? Compared to Zodiac and Phantom Troupe ?

    The thread is to discuss the chad Morel power level. We strated to discuss about this with @Salah WG in an other thread, so here a thread dedictated for that. So the point is : how strong is Morel ? How does he compare with other great nen users ? The Zodiacs or the Phantom troupe for exemple...
  7. RayanOO

    Zoldycks vs Phantom Troupe

    Who can win a fight between the two groups ? For the Zoldycks : Silva, Zeno, Killua, Illumi, Kalluto, Milluki, Gotoh, Tsubone & Amane For the Troupe : Chrollo, Uvo, Phinks, Feitan, Nobunaga, Franklin, Bono, Machi Chrollo can only use the different hatsu he already used on screen, no prep time...
  8. RayanOO

    Versus Battle Spring Mustachio (OPM) vs Alabasta Daz Bonez - M1 (OP)

    On the left side : Spring Mistachio on the right side : Alabasta M1 Let’s go @SmokedOut @Peroroncino @MonochromeYoru @Chrono @ZenZu @Salah WG @Tai long @Bullet @RealD @Jorden625 @NikaInParis @Shiroyru @Thaidakar @Hiragaro @Redboy776 @SakazOuki @Mr.Baj1o @Mr.9000 etc etc
  9. RayanOO

    Versus Battle Night King (GOT) vs Durins Bane (LOTR)

    Vs @Elder Lee Hung @NikaInParis @Bullet @God Buggy @TheAncientCenturion @Buusatan94 @Daniel @Rumble @TheKnightOfTheSea @Dragon777 @Alexis2282AE @Cruxroux @Shiroyru @KingOnizam etc etc
  10. RayanOO

    Powers & Abilities Is Kanjuro DF one of the most versatile ever ?

    The DF is insane when you think about it you can draw anything and make it real the guy could draw clones that are difficult to kill the guy can create people or animals or soldiers But the guy can also create anything : - he created food and even if it didn’t taste great it was still...
  11. RayanOO

    Which Prime Minister duo is the best ?

    Qin left and right Duo : Shou Bun Kun Chancellor of the left : Shu Hei Kun Chancellor of the right : Chu Prime Minister Duo : Ri En and Karin : Which prime minister duo is the best ? Which duo is the best to handle a whole country ? To handle armies ? Internal affairs etc etc ? Who...
  12. RayanOO

    Versus Battle Shunmen vs Katari vs Danto

    Who isthe real second strongest commander of YTW after Baijo ? Stats won’t help you all 3 have 90 in STR. Shunmen Katari Danto @Yo Tan Wa @Lee Ba Shou @Owl Ki @Pirao @FutureWarrior123 @God Buggy @MarineHQ @Monet @Extravlad @Bepo @SakazOuki @Bullet @Ninjashadow0209 @kom5...
  13. RayanOO

    Versus Battle SBS Army vs Houken Army

    Here the match up is between Houken army and SBS army Setting In hango and equal number round 1 : Hango SBS army, so no JKR round 2 : motherfucking JKR is here to collect bodies Who wins ? @Lee Ba Shou @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @Ninjashadow0209 @God Buggy @Yo Tan Wa @MarineHQ @kom5 @RealD...
  14. RayanOO

    Character Discussion Underwater continents and the impact on Nami dream

    We learnt this chap that there were whole continents underwater. And there are some chance that EOS the whole planet will become again big continents and not the insane number of islands we have today what impact for Nami dream ? Drawing big continents will be quite easier than drawing the...
  15. RayanOO

    Spoiler What is the most crushing defeat in Kingdom ?

    Which general suffered the most crushing defeat in the manga ? some exemples in the poll but you can add some @Lee Ba Shou @Owl Ki @FutureWarrior123 @God Buggy @Peroroncino @Monet @MarineHQ @Bullet @Bepo @Yo Tan Wa @PlasmaSnake @Greenbeard @TheKnightOfTheSea @Nidai_Kitetsu @Daniel @SakazOuki...
  16. RayanOO

    Versus Battle Kyoukai (Kingdom) vs Levi Ackerman (AOT)

    The two powerful special warriors are fighting each other here. Round 1 : on the ground, Kyoukai has her sword and Levi his two swords. No dance for Kyoukai. No gears for Levi. Round 2 : Same as round 1 but with dance allowed. No gears for Levi. Round 3 : Mounted fight. No dance. Round 4 ...
  17. RayanOO

    Versus Battle Leonidas 300 (300) vs 300 men units from Kingdom

    Here a fight between the Leonidas 300 from the movie 300 against the 3 300 man units in the beginning of Kingdom (around chapter 200) Round 1 : Hi Shin Unit just before Sanyou (no Kyoukai), Hi Shin Unit is all on foot. Swords and shields for the 300 no spears. Round 2 : Ouhon 300 unit. All...
  18. RayanOO

    Versus Battle Kusakabe vs Naobito

    Who is the best among the two ? How a fight would go between them ? @notAfanboy @NikaInParis @Ice devil slayer @Ven437 @ZoroMazino @Tyrant MUUGEN @MonochromeYoru etc
  19. RayanOO

    JJK chapter 254 : the decisive battle part 3687 someone for the tag pls I’m on phone (@Tyrant MUUGEN @notAfanboy @MonochromeYoru etc)
  20. RayanOO

    Was Seika the best place to live the last 20 years in Kingdom ?

    Let’s discuss this Was Seika the most safe place, peaceful places less dangerous place in the whole Kingdom the last ~ 20y (when SBS came building his kingdom) ? If you were a random citizen where would you live in Kingdom ? Seika I think. @Lee Ba Shou @MarineHQ @God Buggy @FutureWarrior123...