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  1. Elder Lee Hung

    Controversial Bum To Un Is Finished (Renpa Fans Found A New Conduit For Idiocy)

    Look at this dude: So after Hobopa’s fraudulent fandom credit got humiliatingly ruined by Han rookies, Kingdom fans decided they needed a new outlet to unleash their inner retard on, and now we have Bum To Un the shittiest 2v1 fighter in the whole manga and Jobkuomi’s wife. Bum To Un fans...
  2. Elder Lee Hung

    Future Events Is Loki Black Nika? Oars Vs The Straw Hats 2.0 Inbound?

    So people are speculating that this black Nika exists. I could see two possibilities. The first being that there is a second Nika devil fruit for the black Nika form, possessed by Loki. Now the theory (not my theory) is that Loki could be the post timeskip Oars and that he will fight the entire...
  3. Elder Lee Hung

    Current Events Even Mr. Morj of the YouTube casuals calls out Kaido’s Pathetic Record

    BRUH :Ou_Lol::Ou_Lol::Ou_Lol: You know it is bad when fucking YouTube is calling out Kaido for being a gigantic fraud :Ou_Lol::Ou_Lol::Ou_Lol: This is a platform filled with people who just figured out how to wipe their butts without mommy’s help and even...
  4. Elder Lee Hung

    Controversial Zolo Attacks A Mortally Wounded Defenseless Seastone Chained Prisoner (Oda is on WorstGen and writes this manga to spite Admiral haters)

    You can’t make this shit up bro. After 3 years of Zoro and Yonko fans lying about Ryokugyu attacking mortally wounded (lie) seastone chained (lie) prisoners (lie) this is how Oda pays their idolos back in return :Kek_Ki::Kek_Ki::Kek_Ki: I swear bruh, Oda reads WorstGen forum and writes this...
  5. Elder Lee Hung

    Character Discussion Aokiji Is Akainu’s Equal In Terms Of Character And Plot Relevance

    Hello everyone, Quick thread today. I often see people treating Akainu like he is some standout Marine, the strongest Marine of all time and clearly above the other Admirals. This is completely untrue. While Akainu may be marginally to slightly superior to his fellow Admirals in extremely long...
  6. Elder Lee Hung

    Current Events World War at Raftel!!! Papa Lee’s Raftel Prediction

    What up biotches. This is a thread I’ve wanted to make for a minute now, as I strongly believe I have cracked Oda’s code and I know exactly where his manga is going and what is coming after Elbaf. I’m not about to go tooting my own horn again but for those of you who have been following Papa...
  7. Elder Lee Hung

    Current Events Will Someone Please Explain To Me How Kuzan and Garp Did Not Show AdCoC?

    I’m not even trolling. Please explain it to me like I’m a five year old, or like I have the brain of a Yonko fan. The lightning is the exact fucking same. How is one AdCoC but not the other? Lol @SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper...
  8. Elder Lee Hung

    Current Events Akainu Would Kill The Primordial Gods In Less Than A Year

    :steef::steef::steef::steef::steef::steef: @SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr...
  9. Elder Lee Hung

    Versus Battle Houken Runs A 2025 Gauntlet

    Whatup everyone. I wanted to do a gauntlet on a character who I cannot seem to definitively scale in my mind. And now I’m wondering what our consensus on Houken’s level is now that time has passed. I think my opinion on this character has definitely softened over time. I think dismissing him...
  10. Elder Lee Hung

    Chapter Discussion Chapter 200 Hara Interview Surfaces: “I will make sure [Shibashou] is as good as Riboku and Houken”

    Alright guys so TKC found an interesting Hara interview from around chapter 200. This is when Riboku and Houken had first been introduced. | 今後 、 新 た に 登場 する キャ ラク ター の 構想 な と は ? 原 いま 考え て いる 中 で は 、 称 の 大 将軍 、 項 問 で すか ね 。 廉 項 級 の 、 も の すこ い ぃ の が 出 て くる と 思い ます 。 あ と あれ で すね 、 趙 の 三 大 天 が...
  11. Elder Lee Hung

    Top 5 Strongest Living Warriors in Kingdom as of the Han Campaign

    Hello everyone, Let’s not fuck around with fancy intros. Give me your top 5 strongest warriors as of the beginning of the battle of Shintei. I will start with mine. These are in no particular order btw. 1. Shibashou What even needs to be said about Big Shiba that hasn’t already been said...
  12. Elder Lee Hung

    Han’s Strongest Warrior, Yoko Yoko: General Power Level Discussion

    Hello all, let us discuss Han’s Yoko Yoko, a name so nice Hara named him twice. I have been long excited to see this absolute lad on the battlefield, ever since he appeared towering over the denizens of the Han court, and we are now seeing my man(?) in action. Today let us discuss Yoko Yoko and...
  13. Elder Lee Hung

    Future Events The Admirals Will Fight And Defeat The Gorosei

    Hello everyone, Today we are going to look at part 2 of my Warcury is Akainu’s EOS Opponent prediction, and explain why I think the Admirals will switch sides and take down the Gorosei in the EOS War. Now I know how much you love my 100,000 word threads but I’m going to keep this thread short...
  14. Elder Lee Hung

    Le Fishe Thread Just Imagine a Yonko Commander Getting Successfully Mugged by Holdem

    Another day, another instance of Oda shitting on the only characters who make Kaido look like a top tier lmfao. Just imagine this happening to Rayleigh. Or Garp. Or hell, imagine Holdem getting a fucking one up on Katakuri lmfao. Imagine the likes of Jack the Drought, who fought a five day...
  15. Elder Lee Hung

    Character Discussion The End Of Egghead Proves That Kizaru Was Just Trolling All Along

    “Kizaru isn’t trolling” they said. “Trollzaru is just a fiction” they said. Don’t believe me? Go scroll through the following threads:
  16. Elder Lee Hung

    Speculations Why I Believe Ryokugyu Forged His Own Black Blade

    Hello everyone. So now that it’s much clearer that Ryokugyu does in fact have a black blade, I want to talk about why I believe Ryokugyu is the one who did forge this blade, and why I don’t believe some other third party is responsible for Ryokugyu’s sword being black. I want to consider this...
  17. Elder Lee Hung

    Current Events Akainu’s Portrayal Never Ends

    Hoh baby. So now that the dust is settled, it’s time to discuss the utterly insane levels of portrayal Akainu has received in recent weeks. It was Akainu haters who were ultimately the most wrong people in this entire fandom. It turns out all the years of Oda saying he cherishes Akainu, Akainu...
  18. Elder Lee Hung

    Questions & Mysteries “The Conqueror of the East”: Chu’s Tiger, Great General Kou En Power Level Speculation

    Welcome gentlemen to a Lee thread long overdue, where today we are going to talk about the big man himself, arguably the strongest Great General in all of China at the moment, the big papa himself, the Tiger of Chu and Conqueror of the East, Great General Kou En of Chu: ^Canonical appearance...
  19. Elder Lee Hung

    Controversial Riboku and Shibashou are the strongest duo in the history of Kingdom

    RESPECT I mean sure, you could maybe invent some duo like Gakuki and Hakuki or something but in terms of canonical duos, nah these guys ain’t losing. Moubu/Shouheikun? I mean maybe but Riboku vs Shouheikun ain’t looking good, and Moubu vs Shibashou is anyone’s guess. Ouki/Tou? Maybe but I...
  20. Elder Lee Hung

    Current Events Oda Degrades And Humiliates Admiral Haters Repeatedly (Week Of October 31, 2024)

    Alright guys. Where do we even begin this week lmfao. 1. SBS 110 reveals that Kizaru was the one who fed Luffy: This reveal debunks just about every anti Kizaru argument that came to prominence on Egghead: “White Star Gun one shot Kizaru!” “Luffy definitely won against Kizaru!” “Kizaru was...