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  1. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Doflamingo was 5 arcs ago, current Luffy is going G5 for people on Kuma's level. :willight:
  2. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    I remember arguing with someone here that was obsessed with Zoro fighting a VA after Lucci, he was dead serious that one of these random jobbers with no hype or build up was going to be a better challenge for Zoro than a rokushiki master with zoan awakening that also happens to be one of the...
  3. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    One of the Strawhats ran from him. :crazwhat: Now, before he was just another guy on WB and BM's crew. Croco and Moria are pts jobbers and Dressrosa Dofla is seen as nothing compared to Jack and a far easier fight than Cracker. That would only get him Kuma's spot, unfortunately he wasn't...
  4. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Why would a barely commander level guy be at the top? Kuma and Boa were always top YC level unlike Croco, Doflamingo, Moria and Jinbo.
  5. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    He isn't relevant enough to be plot nerfed, he's always at full jobbing capacity. :kobeha:
  6. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Luffy looking like he would go extreme diff with Galdino's victims, no Zoro, no Runji, this thread is being carried by the Goresei/Admiral/Yonko agenda. :hapnoel:
  7. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    That's just how Oda structured some groups, Zoro didn't fight the King/S-Bear, Luffy and Lucci did.
  8. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    The Gorosei haki is stronger, maybe Shanks' has better skill. :bamathink:
  9. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    You know he's not fighting women, this isn't rocket science.
  10. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Why bring up Boa when Oda already paired him with the n°4.
  11. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    He could destroy the ship and the giants would have no way of leaving...but he won't do that! :saden:
  12. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Next chapter
  13. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Could be but he needs to repel the Sunny with everyone in it instead of 1 person at a time.
  14. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Who knows, nothing about this arc makes sense. :endthis:
  15. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    What are the odds that all 5 Gorosei end up near the giants ship? Nusjuro is already there, Saturn is close to the Sunny which is currently above that, 2 Gorosei are following Luffy there and Mars can fly. That's one way the iron giant can get all 5 at the same time.
  16. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    I'm sure it matters when the strongest warlord happens to have the number 1 seraphim followed by a King and a Queen/empress, the same pattern that Oda uses with Zoro/Runji, King/Queen, Kuma/Ivankov.
  17. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    In the end Goofy fought Lucci for 10 minutes and Zoro for 15, that's crazy. :saden:
  18. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    N°1 and n°4! Not as cool as the n°1 and n°2 tho.
  19. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    You're wasting your time with a dude that thinks Croco is prime Rayleigh level and on par with Mihawk. Wait for Lanji to beat a VA and watch him compare it Zoro skinning Lucci alive. :kobeha:
  20. Lor D. Coast

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    If Warcury is the toughest then Zoro is going to fight the actual fastest character in the story? Oda needs to stop making Zoro beat all the speedsters, he's supposed to be slow! :ronalugh: