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  1. FaceFaultTV

    One Piece Audiobook?

    Hiii folks :D im a bit bored, and as i like doing Audiobooks and so on for fun in german. I thought about doing a One Piece Audiobook in English maybe too :). But i dont know if my german accent is a bit annoying in english hahaha. I made a little testrecoding of the first sentences of the Ace...
  2. FaceFaultTV

    Questions & Mysteries Does the WG buys, Orphans out of Wano?

    Today i thought about something, we know that the World Government buys Weapons from Wano Kuni. We also know that the World Government buys Orphans from people like Mother Caramel. Do they maybe buy Orphans from Wano Kuni too? In the ranks of the World Government we have 3 people who could fit...
  3. FaceFaultTV

    Theory The Inherited Will and his connection to Devil Fruits

    Toki is proof that there were devil fruits at least 800 years ago, because it’s from that time. Likewise, the name Devil Fruits tells us where the origin could be. If the world government officially called these fruits devil fruits, we have to think about why they give these fruits the name of...