Amazing chapter. And is nothing new that a guy like Mihawk would be a Yonkou lvl, since he rivals with shanks thas was a prove since EVER.
But people need to chill on says whos is stronger than who, YET, if the chapter keep that word for the final release.... MORE SKILLED isnt STRONGER. thats...
Nah, just here 40% dont like this plot, Other forums, reddit and twitter people are liking it,
just here that are full of frustrated people with garbage arguments. Get use to it, haha
kaido is a monster. the guy just keep adding fighters to his list.
the 7 time he lost he 100% was jumped on, or lost a 1v1 on a extreme diff to a primebeard , Roger, Xebec, Garp, And maybe shanks.
Ugh, is bizarre people here saying that every thing is set and stone since ever. Hating on luffy for really 0 reason,
Like if luffy was a lazy MF scratching his ballsack all day he would still reach Laughtale, Find the one piece and be the savior or the whole shit.
we dont even know NOTHING...
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