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  1. Afroking

    Powers & Abilities Is Zoro …

    They aren't mutually exclusive ... The CoC users have greater will because they were born destined to be kings...You either are born with or without it ... Armament & Observation on the other hand are not like CoC.
  2. Afroking

    Powers & Abilities Is Zoro …

    Lmao talk about insecurity.. Hundreds of years later and the brother of Zoro's grandmother and himself are spitting images of Ryuma The shimotsuki are famed for their hardiness Ushimaru himself was a great swordmaster after Ryuma & so will Zoro . Nothing sort of copium if you think the...
  3. Afroking

    General & Others Best post timeskip arc so far ?

    Zou Dressrosa WCI Wano Punk Hazard FMI Egghead WCI woud have been the best but Oda shat at it for the last odd 1/3 of the arc. Dressrosa is only this high because it is consistent and the content isn't unbearable at a re-read meanwhile the lows at Wano & WCI are skipped the moment...
  4. Afroking

    Powers & Abilities How does Loki's attack in this chapter work? Did Ragnir eat a devil fruit?

    They have magic weapons that draw raindows to ride on,so for now just some elbaph shit..
  5. Afroking

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Too heavy for them,Only Ussop can lift it.
  6. Afroking

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    After seeing that amazing & lucky Liverpool perfomance and still flabbergasted,all I will say Ussop vs Killingham is guarranted. Especially nwo that it wasn't Sommers with the nightmare ability but a goofy looking CD wearing a fishbowl. Sommers with his comment personally I think will face...
  7. Afroking

    Future Events Loki vs Ussop: The battle of the mightiest Hammer user

    Ussop Voodoo shart diff the pink-haired princess of the arc
  8. Afroking

    Future Events Loki vs Ussop: The battle of the mightiest Hammer user

    Prepare for it , dread from it,run from it, It is coming. Ussop is going to prove who is the true worthy one to handle the mighty Ragnir. All his lies are become reality and Ussop is the strongest man of East blue "10.000" Ton rubber hammer will stop the rampage of Loki's Ragnir and be the...
  9. Afroking

    General & Others Lets choose the best outfit of each Strawhat

    Manga only Luffy : basically has the same all the time,but Rooftop for the cape. Zoro : Egghead was fine for the most part but the trash boots diminish it, Wano same as Egghead has that eidiculous topknot and ruins even the outfit. SO Onigashima or his post ts outfit. They are basically the...
  10. Afroking

    Volume 111 - Discussion Thread (March 4th, 2025)

    Being Oda's editor is theEasiest Job on the planet. All you have to do is answer his phone calls regardless of the hours and deliver the chapter(if they still don't use emails) to the HQ. They don't even proofread shit. It is one thing to not being able to change a drawing at the last moment...
  11. Afroking

    Future Events It will be because of haki….

    Sandai after the Clash with Venus and the focus on it , won't break. Unfortunate but it is there to stay.
  12. Afroking

    Powers & Abilities Usopp's goal should have been the world best sniper or a gun welder

    Well that is why it is his dream... He needs to go against his very nature. He is too much of a coward and he will turn it around. An impossible dream. Take Sanji and how it was beaten into him to not hurt women.. He can't even do it even if his life is in danger. Not even into his nature and...
  13. Afroking

    Controversial Worst writing in the manga

    Never got over how stupid the sequence was with Nami and Ussop using their weapons as bats to hit P1 meanwhile he can't deal/ or climb the Komainu.
  14. Afroking

    Speculations SBS 111 What If..

    He was already a Whitebeard pirate when he defeated him. Yamato-> Jinbe-> WB pirates-> Hanafuda
  15. Afroking

    Volume 111 - Discussion Thread (March 4th, 2025)

    The gorosei aren't from devil fruits ... Some devil shit Imu made. hence why Oda didn't give them names.
  16. Afroking

    Volume 111 - Discussion Thread (March 4th, 2025)

    Her mind would have catch up immidiately,yes but not her body physically.. Kaku was already phsically strong. And again where is her 3rd from. Oda showed even in the sbs 2 forms. The hybrid and the animal form. For the awakening she would need a third form.
  17. Afroking

    Volume 111 - Discussion Thread (March 4th, 2025)

    Uncoscious usage of Conquerors has nothing to do with constant awakening usage which is an actual power level Ability. 10 yo Yamato certainly doesn't have the necessary "body" for awakening. The child forms that Oda drew are the hybrid and animal forms. There is no reason for them to have...
  18. Afroking

    Volume 111 - Discussion Thread (March 4th, 2025)

    The cloud is visual indicator in this case because in "base" that monstrosity doesn't have the cloud. The cloud appears only on the 1 awakened form. That's why Lucci and Kaku don't go around with it. Yamato from when she was a child she had it in all her forms,so it is no indicator... Also...
  19. Afroking

    General & Others Best Auras in One Piece

    On the subject of Punk hazard. This is the Luffy Oda stole from us for the toonie little shit that doesn't stop laughing...