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    Questions & Mysteries Floaties? Or no Floaties? Can the Gorosei Swim?

    Warcury doesn't look like he care even for a bit about seawater. The gorosei use telepathy and teleportation. I don't think any df user has been shown capability of doing that.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1101 Spoilers Discussion

    So, Bonney's devil fruit is actually an over-powered one?
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    One Piece Chapter 1098: "Bonney's birth"

    This Kuma backstory is just too sad. I initially thought that Kuma will cure Bonney by taking the pain hence becoming a cyborg for the trade-off, but then came so many factors as shichibukai position, Bekori raiding the village, etc, Oda gave lots of plot twists in Kuma's. Rocks D. Brook for...
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

    it might be possible that he became cyborg to save Bonney from the disease, I think, this is one of the most tragic backstories so far
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    Chapter Discussion Was Sanji serving food for Jinbe on the latest chapter?

    True, I think it would be Robin, Stussy, or Lilith.
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    One Piece - Chapter 1083: The Truth About That Day

    When I think about it, Morley could easily mess up towns huh. Betty isn't shown, maybe waiting in the eastern side? So basically all the cp-9 promoted to cp-0. poor who's who. I really hope we get a little more hints about who those god/holy knights soon, not just some vague silhouettes. So...
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    Current Events What the real bounty of Kid?

    Eh, should be around King's bounty, no? Kid is one of my favorites, but still, 3 billion seems like he got it because he's involved in defeating one of the yonkos, with Law's help and strategies. Law should be the one more threatening battle-wise.
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    Chapter 1079 - The Emperor Red-Haired Pirates

    For a second, I thought it was Law's hat on blackbeard's ship. Shocked my heart. Then I googled it, such a relief, I hope Law didn't get outframed this soon. As for Kidd, he never showed any strong feat compared to other captains just yet in my opinion, even though he was one of my favorite...
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    One Piece Chapter 1070: The Most Powerful Beings

    oh, Sentomaru and Kizaru, I'm interested, they teamed up in Sabaody didn't they
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    Oh no, we didn't see Izo with the scabbards there did we? Was that encounter with CP0 really his end? :catcry:
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1045 Spoilers Discussion

    So uh, his hair turned white? Hito-hito No Mi model Sulong? :lusalty: