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  1. Kenshiro11

    NBA discussion thread

    My spurs eatin good hmmm
  2. Kenshiro11

    NBA discussion thread

    Lmao mavs
  3. Kenshiro11

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1136 Spoilers Discussion

    Why kill the wolf though? :pepehands:
  4. Kenshiro11

    NBA discussion thread

    Joel going that route too. Then they signed PG lmao
  5. Kenshiro11

    NBA discussion thread

    NY lost depth. Thats why they are not doing sht again this year
  6. Kenshiro11

    NBA discussion thread

    I wouldn't include the knicks in that category
  7. Kenshiro11

    ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1122: The Time Is at Hand

    Emeth 😭😭😭 Fr tho, emeths last line makin me cry and shit 😭😭😭
  8. Kenshiro11

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1122 Spoilers Discussion

    Emeth! :pepemotion:
  9. Kenshiro11

    Speculations Could Lucci switch sides if Mars kills Kaku?

    Mars should kill Lucci instead. Oda milked tf out of this guy, his awekening is shit too. Nothing exciting will come out of his character anymore.
  10. Kenshiro11

    Character Discussion Nika ruined this manga

    Nikkas be blamed for everythin fr :pepehands:
  11. Kenshiro11

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    thats my girl :pepehands:
  12. Kenshiro11

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    bro... the girl on your av and sig... :pepehands:
  13. Kenshiro11

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    why do you have kazuha? :pepehands::pepehands:
  14. Kenshiro11

    Questions & Mysteries Would you fall victim to Boa Hancock mero mero devil fruit

    Part of me would be rock hard. But not the whole me.
  15. Kenshiro11


    Did devon and augur just said.... za warudo!
  16. Kenshiro11

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

    Franky still proving that he is the MVP of the crew. While yall fave are lost or getting smacked. Franky Family stays winning :fransuper:
  17. Kenshiro11


    Stussy ass cheek: 10/10 The rest of the chapter: meh/10
  18. Kenshiro11

    Announcement Worstgen's fourth anniversary year

    Better late than never Happy anniversary to you too Bogsters, and everyone. :sweat:u guys