Obviously the respect of the Yonkou has fallen over the years. Same as the Admirals.
We’ve since learned that there are 6 literal immortals who have ruled the world for centuries on top of the world.
Grandline might as well be Road’s Lego world we’re currently at. What the Yonkou do is...
Mihawk cares about Luffy because he’s basically a salty ex who wants to see why Shanks chose Luffy over him.
The PK line is probably related to something Shanks told him before
Mihawk probably doesn’t know a lot
Nusjuro got blitzed by base Sanji with 400+ pounds of dead weight:cryabit:
And is then almost immediately apprehended by Oimo and Kashii and is about to be on the receiving end of a WWE finisher
Everything being equal he deserves the slander for two weeks
Sanji attacks Queen with half dead Zoro
Sanji about to attack Venus with freshly dead Vegapunk
Sanji’s gonna attack Lucky Roo with Kid’s rotting corpse next arc at this rate
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