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  1. Ace

    General & Others Why is the Yonko title so disrespected?

    Obviously the respect of the Yonkou has fallen over the years. Same as the Admirals. We’ve since learned that there are 6 literal immortals who have ruled the world for centuries on top of the world. Grandline might as well be Road’s Lego world we’re currently at. What the Yonkou do is...
  2. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1129 Spoilers Discussion

    Honestly seems like the Anime needed a filler location after Egghead so Oda threw in this bullshit RPG world for no reason.
  3. Ace

    ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1127: Adventure in a land of mystery

    M3 started a wildfire just so they could have lunch:zosmug:
  4. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1127 Spoilers Discussion

    Zoro looks like a MHA character:whitepress: that mask needs to be like Zoro and get lost
  5. Ace

    Speculations How Much Does Mihawk Know?

    Mihawk cares about Luffy because he’s basically a salty ex who wants to see why Shanks chose Luffy over him. The PK line is probably related to something Shanks told him before Mihawk probably doesn’t know a lot
  6. Ace

    Questions & Mysteries Why is no one talking about the fact that Kizaru is still MIA

    He’s quiet quitting The job was to kill Vegapunk. The job is done. Let upper management deal with the rest of this shit
  7. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Mars explicitly questioned if Vegapunk is dead. He’s Probably getting a new body
  8. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    “This is how pirates fight” Nah they’re legit jumping Nusjuro that’s crazy Centuries old Gorosei getting jumped by a 12 year old:kuzanshut:
  9. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Nusjuro got blitzed by base Sanji with 400+ pounds of dead weight:cryabit: And is then almost immediately apprehended by Oimo and Kashii and is about to be on the receiving end of a WWE finisher Everything being equal he deserves the slander for two weeks
  10. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Jumping off his sword is pretty disrespectful lol Hit him with the
  11. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Nusjuro didn’t go full Zoan his arms are still there Sanji had a gorosei use an advanced Zoan technique off one hit:cryabit:
  12. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Chopper’s guard point has now no sold a slap from Big Mom and Saturn:shocked:
  13. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Imagine he just bled out from Saturn lol
  14. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    So when Mars was talking about crushing insects he was actually talking about Nusjuro:shocked:
  15. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

    Gorosei getting jumped by Oimo, Kashii, and Bonney is comedy:milaugh:
  16. Ace

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Lakers lose now time for spoilers :joker:
  17. Ace

    Powers & Abilities Are you satisfied with the Gorosei’s powers

    Need to see the Hybrid of the rest. Jack had a great base and Zoan design. Hybrid was trash
  18. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Sanji attacks Queen with half dead Zoro Sanji about to attack Venus with freshly dead Vegapunk Sanji’s gonna attack Lucky Roo with Kid’s rotting corpse next arc at this rate
  19. Ace

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

    Mars looking up at the Mother Flame and realizing he’s now the insect
  20. Ace

    General & Others Which Character Was More Feared? Whitebeard vs Madara

    Madara was literally the boogeyman of Naruto