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  1. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1017 Spoilers Discussion

    what if xebec was the previous user of the rubber fruit and not the darkness fruit like many assume. would make sense why the wg was so mad about loosing it. but than again if that would have been the case someone like kaido or bm would have commented that
  2. M

    Character Discussion Zoro will become Officially Vice Captain after Wano

    i can see kidd declaring killer as his vice captain and luffy doing so too with zoro after that due to the rivalry between luffy and kidd
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1013 Spoilers Discussion

    Maybe luffy will use g4 and fly up as its weird of oda to defeat luffy without him showing gear 4 with the new coc powerup or he is saving that for whatever reason.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoilers Discussion

    indeed this chapter is hype i just wished for a longer tag team of zoro and luffy. Still hoping that we will get a 2v2 one day but seems very not verly likely by how the story currently progresses Gotta admit when i heard big mom was on wano i had hopes for zoro x luffy vs big mom x kaidou...
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoilers Discussion

    id disagree with doffy > zoro like zoro is above doffy now honestly id even go as far as zoro >= katakuri just by the stuff zoro showed us in this fight only reason zoro is out so early is the combined attack he took from kaidou and big mom
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoilers Discussion

    I just hope we will see another luffy and zoro vs kaidou tag team later on. those 2 fighting together was hype af
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoilers Discussion

    @ShishioIsBack you keep calling that luffy was deadweight till this point in the fight when he clearly wasnt did you forget red roc or the g4 hits on dragon kaido ? only time when luffy was deadweight was when he had to recover his haki from g4
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoilers Discussion

    I hope he will come up with a new form for the adv CoC. I would like that alot more and it would fit the whole dialoge that he had with rayleigh about gear 4. The one were rayleigh told him that he has to come up with something different with less drawbacks.
  9. M

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoilers Discussion

    Holy shit Zoro with the fucking CoC and Ashura. If luffy masters advanced CoC he will be a beast. Oda said luffy specializes in CoC so it must be pretty strong as is. Base Luffy >>>> Gear 4