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    General & Others Last 4 crew members = warlords

    I choose Weeble only for the old alphabet theory: I-J Jinbe G-H Boa Hancock O-P PX-O W-X Edward Weevil But It could work also with Trafalgar D. Water Law It would also fit the famouse color spread of the 4 nationality changes of the Strawhat that I believe are foreshadowing and not changes: -...
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    General & Others Last 4 crew members = warlords

    As final 4th ex Shichibukai joining Strawhat I see Edward Weeble more than Mihawk or Crocodile :gokulaugh:
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    News One Piece: Vivre Card (Data book)-Discussion Thread

    Onimaru/Gyukimaru devil fruit is Hito Hito no mi model Onyudo
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    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    Brook striped trousers in Zou Arc resembles Caesar Clown's striped outfit....Caesar also Is a pervert having spent lots of Big Mom's Money for women a s alcool :D (I don't seriously think Caesar will join....)
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    Theory Jinbe's True Color - The Revised Color Theory

    Cutty is the surname and Flam the name. Japanese language works as this. Still not convinced by the Yamato name change although she is a good new nakama candidate.
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    Theory Jinbe's True Color - The Revised Color Theory

    Robin, Franky and Brook race is still Human, the same for Monet. Even Kaido and Yamato can be human such as Magellan, Moria, Hannyabal and so on.
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    Theory Jinbe's True Color - The Revised Color Theory

    Why she has to change her name? I can understand Oden but Hannya is very speculative also beacuse she doesn't use the mask anymore. Also I see that more as an epiteth than a proper name. Furthermore if you think, Franky fit the pattern with his real name Cutty Flam and not only with the nickname
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    Theory Jinbe's True Color - The Revised Color Theory

    Yeah I'm not convincere a Out the Hyena part too. Maybe Bellamy is the surname as the real life Samuel Bellamy? Probabily not but I see him as the perfect 13th strawhat. For the Ochre part my point is I think Oda won't choose colours difficult to depict Mugiwaras so I think the colours I...
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    Theory Jinbe's True Color - The Revised Color Theory

    Your theory was very good and enjoable however I think that Ocher belongs to shades of brown and not to yellow/orange category. Personally I'm not convinced that the future Mugiwaras will be associated to "obscure" colours such as vermillion, Saffron or others. I Think that Oda will go with...