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  1. BornInAbyss

    General & Others Am I the only one who cringes when Sanji said "light doesn't hold a candle to love"?

    Unlike sanji his powers not only come from this cringe ass love power. Gaban also has coc.
  2. BornInAbyss

    General & Others Am I the only one who cringes when Sanji said "light doesn't hold a candle to love"?

    Or the phrase "power of love" that gives me ptsd over fairy tails "power of friendship" bullcrap. And I thought nothing can top the cringeness of that until sanji tanked s sharks punch and blocked kizarus light beam through the "pOwEr oF LoVE" Why can't sanji just become strong through the...
  3. BornInAbyss

    Powers & Abilities Another black lightning….

    Its not coc. Its advanced coc
  4. BornInAbyss

    Powers & Abilities Bet: Will Sanji unlock CoC in Elbaf?

    Okay then I will change it to only wank the opposite by changing their avis.
  5. BornInAbyss

    Powers & Abilities Bet: Will Sanji unlock CoC in Elbaf?

    I did include that. Loser from Sanji fans side will wank zoro and hate/disrespect sanji. Loser from Zoro fans side will wank Sanji and hate/disrespect zoro.
  6. BornInAbyss

    Powers & Abilities Bet: Will Sanji unlock CoC in Elbaf?

    Is he going to unlock CoC and close the gap to zoro or will he stay an irrelevant bum and only leech off of Gabans portrayal? Gaban arguably has CoC himself so Sanji unlocking it should not be impossible anymore. Gaban was compared to Roger and Rayleigh even though the manga said he was right...
  7. BornInAbyss

    Fanclub Islam Group

    I am ready for ramadan. May Allah allow us to fast through this month with ease. Ameen.
  8. BornInAbyss

    Future Events Bruh my dreams gettin wild

    I've dreamt that Law would appear in Elbaf and the weirdest thing about it, he was able to perform his own variant of Kamusari. In my dream they said it's a medium intensitiy kamusari. Weaker than roger and shanks version of it.
  9. BornInAbyss

    Powers & Abilities Zoro is officially confirmed Conqueror's Haki user

    Does this also confirm that Sanji has no CoC like the bitch he is?
  10. BornInAbyss

    Speculations Sanji will eventually fight Shamrock 1v1 ( in Elbaf Sanji and Zoro will fight Shamrock 2vs 1)

    I don't speak the language of clowns. Someone please translate this
  11. BornInAbyss

    Speculations Gaban is not Colon's Biological Father..

    First Zoro has no ACoC now Gaban isn't Colons father. Whats next? Luffy is not the mc? 🤡
  12. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1139 Spoilers Discussion

    Dude this Chapter caused cope mechanisms in each fandom it's hilarious :gokulaugh:
  13. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1139 Spoilers Discussion

    Im pretty much the only zoro fan who is happy for sanji fans coz this confirmes sanji won't be a bum EoS.
  14. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1139 Spoilers Discussion

    Gaban is truly relative to roger and rayleigh which means prime sanji should get extremely strong.