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  1. Sungodo

    Speculations God Valley Matchups

    It’s that time again folks. We need to find out who fought whom on God Valley? Here are a few matchups that are highly likely: 1. Rocks vs Roger and Garp 2. Whitebeard vs Garling Any other takes? Here’s a list of Rocks Pirates for reference: Big Mom, Kaido, Shiki, John, Silver Axe, Ochoku...
  2. Sungodo

    Speculations How did Roger end up on god valley?

    Celestial dragons were there to play their unholy hunting game, marines including garp may have been there to protect the CDs. Xebec and his holy army may have planned an attack to get hold of devil fruits and/or free the slaves. But how the f did Roger and his band of thugs end up on god valley...
  3. Sungodo

    Questions & Mysteries Luffy’s devil fruit is called Sun God Nika - Why though?

    Only thing related to sun that we have seen from Luffy related to sun is that his color changes to white. None of his powers or attacks are related to sun. Naming regular punches as dawn whip doesn’t count. Why is this devil fruit called sun god nika fruit then? Seems too random and arbitrary...
  4. Sungodo

    Break Week Wildcards on Egghead and their role

    There are at least 3 wildcards present on egghead. Giant robot, Caribou, and BB pirates. What do you think their role is going to be in the immediate story?
  5. Sungodo

    Anime & Manga Those who are betting against Sanji in the fight against Saturn should be ready to take a huge L

    Those who are betting against Sanji in the fight against Saturn should be ready to take a huge L
  6. Sungodo

    Speculations Sanji vs Saturn incoming

    Are you looking forward to it?
  7. Sungodo

    Future Events Egghead incident

    Seems like Egghead incident is not going to be about the destruction of Egghead island but rather complete and utter destruction of marine forces being sent there.
  8. Sungodo

    Questions & Mysteries Nika’s fashion sense

    Many have kinda accepted that Joy Boy and Nika are same person. Also that Joy Boy was the leader of ancient kingdom. We also know for a fact ancient kingdom was scientifically more advanced than the modern world. Given all this information, how do you reconcile with Oda’s depiction of Nika, who...
  9. Sungodo

    Character Discussion Zoro’s mother is more important than Zoro’s father

    It’s interesting that Zoro’s mother is named Terra (earth). Sanji’s mother is named Sora (sky). Is Luffy’s mother going to be Umi (sea)? - Your’s truly Pinzolo
  10. Sungodo

    Speculations There’s a traitor among the Vegapunks

    There’s a traitor among the 7 vegapunks and its Shaka not Lilith.
  11. Sungodo

    Speculations One Piece is a Love Story

    In chapter 1066, after Vegapunk explained that the void century is the history of war between the ancient kingdom and 20 other kingdoms, Franky says something like “what a romance story”. This struck me as being a little odd. I know that many are saying that this is a reference to origin of One...
  12. Sungodo

    Speculations Shanks is Imu

    Up for some speculation? Shanks is Imu and is the finak villain 1. Both have a penchant for maintaining the balance of the world 2. Both have keen interest in two D clan members Luffy and Blackbeard 3. Both use similar swords 4. Both have/had a straw hat 5. Shanks has undue influence on WG 6...
  13. Sungodo

    Speculations The giant egg on Roger’s ship and Nami

    There are many theories about the giant egg on Roger’s ship but I want to propose something wild. Nami was born from the egg on Roger’s ship and she is the ancient weapon uranus. I know the timelines and place do not match but many other things do. 1. For timeline, let’s just say egg took...
  14. Sungodo

    Questions & Mysteries Luffy, Roger and Poneglyphs

    Both Roger and Luffy are supposed to have voice of all things, however, unlike Roger, Luffy has never been shown to be able to hear poneglyphs. Roger could. Which is surprising. In fact, no one else among SHs has been shown to be able to hear the voice of poneglyphs. However, there is one...
  15. Sungodo

    Questions & Mysteries Location of Lodestar Island

    Could Lodestar island be on the direct opposite end of Polestar island (Loguetown) on 3D world map? Would fall around the end of grand line near north blue. A north pole/winter island reference?
  16. Sungodo

    Character Discussion One Piece Favorite Character Tier List - Top 10

    It is not a power comparison, rather who you love seeing more on screen. 1. Robin 2. Luffy/Sanji (except the nose bleed scenes) 3. Shanks 4. Rayleigh 5. Zoro 6. Chopper 7. Reiju 8. Ace 9. Law 10. Doflamingo
  17. Sungodo

    Speculations Imu sama frequents Baratie

    In the baratie arc we learn that "old red eyes" visits baratie restaurant before the arrival of Mihawk. Later we see that Imu sama has red eyes.
  18. Sungodo

    Theory Theory theory no mi

    Luffy is not Joy Boy. Joy Boy and Nika are two different people. Luffy is Nika, Zoro is Sword God Ryuma, and Sanji is Joy Boy. All three including Ryuma lived during the void century.
  19. Sungodo

    Questions & Mysteries Theme of One Piece and the climax

    A running theme of one piece is Luffy going from island to island and restoring the rightful ruler by fighting against the evil ruler/usurper. Please note that Luffy himself never declares himself as the king or takes the control of the territory (except occasionally declaring islands to be...
  20. Sungodo

    Theory Some things in the the story would make more sense if Luffy were a Lunarian

    There are certain things that can be explained better if Luffy had a Lunarian mother. Not that explanations are necessar 1. His fire attacks 2. If WG killed his mother (for being a Lunarian), that would explain why Dragon’s drive to dismantle the WG. Granted, none of this fits with the sun...