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    Future Events Kidd is not soloing Big Mom

    Does Kid look like he was only bruised to you? Let’s not act like he and Law became a punching bag for her… I ain’t claiming they didn’t land hits on her, but she has yet to receive any notable damage… it’s even questionable if they made her bleed yet. 1634950450 So hawkins slamming his head in...

    Future Events Kidd is not soloing Big Mom

    Ehh! Kid looks like he took some great damage alright lol.

    Future Events Kidd is not soloing Big Mom

    GK should deal some good damage, but nothing too significant tbh. Other than that they do be lacking in terms of AP. That’s why they heavily need PUs to make up for that.

    Future Events Kidd is not soloing Big Mom

    Oda really could give each of Law and Kid any of the following PUs - AdvCoA (maybe Law) - AdvCoC(only Kid obviously) - DF awakening (too far fetched, but it could be a game changer if either of them gets it tbh even better than haki bloom) 1634949384 Is that why he is standing? Law ate that...

    Future Events Kidd is not soloing Big Mom

    Let’s not use these trash percentages as if they mean anything. Kaido is a mythical zoan. His durability and endurance is something that isn’t measurable. The only thing we understand from him not being able to control the flame clouds is that he isn’t in his best shape that’s all where he is at...

    Future Events Kidd is not soloing Big Mom

    The more reason to show Kid and Law need PUs to do what Luffy is doing. They haven’t done any decent damage to her. Let’s not act like they suddenly can defeat her as they are. Power ups is the only option. Which makes it understandable. I know you are trying so hard to downplay Luffy rather...

    Future Events Kidd is not soloing Big Mom

    That’s actually good. If Kid wants to catch up to Luffy that’s the least he should do tho again let’s not ignore Law now.

    Future Events Kidd is not soloing Big Mom

    Why should they..

    Future Events Kidd is not soloing Big Mom

    Obviously he isn’t that’s why Law is fighting with him lol. Even then it’s only a possibility.