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  1. Monster Luffy

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    It is not about 'unrealistically' brave. It's about the portrayal. Blackbeard never has problems in fighting MF which have full of old legends and admirals but somehow he ran away now. He came to get the Hancock fruit. So it is not pointless, he didn't achieve his goal. So no. Here his portrayal...
  2. Monster Luffy

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    BB got bounty increase even before kidnapping Coby in case you forgot to notice that BB bounty was shown in the flashback.
  3. Monster Luffy

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    I am Akainu fan. There is no need to specially invest again. But given how BB was written in the chapter, I don't have much higher hopes on Akainu either.
  4. Monster Luffy

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    To make some plot, Oda simply ignores logic and consistency. He is so senile that he is omitting these small but important details. I wonder what is editors are doing.
  5. Monster Luffy

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Blackbeard is shit. It is simple as that. Looks like he is not going to be the end-game villain.
  6. Monster Luffy

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    I agree with everything except seraphim part. It is the most interesting part. I don't think seraphims are just pacifists with warlord powers. I think Vegapank might have replicated other powerful pirates too. Even top tiers have to put some effort to put them down given their massive durability...
  7. Monster Luffy

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    True, this is a great chance for Oda to have BB do something but he does nothing at the end. Oda is just writing random chapters instead of a coherent stories. He can still have a chance to explain how BB got 3.9b but knowing Oda he will simply sweep it under the rug.