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  1. Peroroncino

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Just cause brannew is wrong about one thing doesnt mean he is wrong about everything:laughmoji:
  2. Peroroncino

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Canonically confirmed weaker than the godhawk
  3. Peroroncino

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Mihawk hype is inevitable haters are shaking in their boots and its only just beginning...
  4. Peroroncino

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Do tell us dna expert solis
  5. Peroroncino

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Yeah who would have imagined that people who hone their bodies to peak human condition end up with good genetics 1662726659 You need to put your name on them lol
  6. Peroroncino

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Also him blowing up buggy in mf. But why am i even entertaining your trolling is beyond retarded
  7. Peroroncino

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Keep hating the mihawk hype wont stop
  8. Peroroncino

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Whos the artist for these?
  9. Peroroncino

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Chibihawk really ate a black hole to the face and left without a scratch
  10. Peroroncino

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Chibihawk is just that strong:kayneshrug: