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  1. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans

    Wait did you just double post @Mr. Reloaded? :sus::usoprice:
  2. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans
  3. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans

    :risitameh::saden: (50 seconds)
  4. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans

    Live action Brook looking great!
  5. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans

    So that was the Grim Reaper Zoro saw? Thanks to Carrot, she's made Zoro directly face death twice then lmao. I suspect he was trying to groom Yamato mato to be his Ace/Trump Card but that failed ofc. Maybe part of the reason he went to Marineford and thus after Ace is partially due to his...
  6. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans

    In before she flexes on the SHs HARD for abandoning and forgetting her by getting to Laugh Tale first and finding the One Piece and becomine Pirate King/Queen, way before them! :finally::finally::finally::finally::finally::finally:
  7. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans

    Did you just sincerely ask if my ADHD ass read all that CoC-kun? :smoothieduck::risitameh::risiup::saden::hapnoel::shame:
  8. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans

    AMEN! Odas sexism and furryphobia as well as general fraudulence keeps giving us the worst timelines instead! That 1st fanart is one of my faves but the 2nd is new to me and I love it! Even follows certain patterns and evens out the SHs so nicely and equally there! Sigh....fuck Oda.
  9. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans

    Imagine she shows up in this Wano cover story lol. I have a desperate headcanon that Yamato is running to Egghead by running on the ocean in wolf form, freezing the surface as she runs to provide footing ofc, whilst carrying Carrot on her back, as Yamato finally realises how stupid her last...
  10. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans

    Title: Furrious Invasion: The Six Paths of Paws [Scene: Konoha Village. The sun rises over the tranquil landscape, but the peace is about to be shattered by an unexpected invasion. Enter the Six Paths of Paws, each representing a different furry creature, with their leader, Pain, from the...
  11. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans

    THAT IS AMAZING LMFAO! Well worth the effort, genuinely mind blowing results! @Pot Goblin @Mr. Reloaded Lets get it! :neesama::goyea::beanmean::pepebusi: 1709038689
  12. Kizaruber Eats

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: It's over for Dortmund fans
